Monday, April 1, 2013

Weekly Assignment #5 - 8 week classes

These are the same written assignments given to the 16 week classes a week or so ago:

2305: March 20 was the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War. This allowed for various commentators to analyze the decision to go to war and not only decide whether it was the right thing to do, but what the decision said about the current state of foreign policy in the US. It also has an impact on the future foreign policy decisions likely to be made by the nation. Read up on the commentary and weigh in on it. In sum total was it the right decision? And regardless of your point of view - how is the conflict likely to influence the type of foreign engagements we will choose to instigate in the future?

2306: The sequester is about three weeks old now, but each state is trying to figure out how it will be impacted by the spending cuts. This includes Texas. One of the issues the Texas Legislature is wrestling with is what to do about the amount of money the state is projected to lose. I want you to do a little research and find out what exactly Texas stands to lose as a result of the cuts and what the legislature considering to do to counteract the cuts - if anything.