Tuesday, October 18, 2022

From the Brennan Center for Justice: Voting Laws Roundup

- October 2021.

- October 2022

Here is their list of laws restricting the ability to vote: 

- Shorten window to apply for a mail ballot
- Shorten deadline to deliver mail ballot
- Make it harder to remain on absentee voting lists
- Eliminate or limit sending mail ballot applications to voters who do not specifically request them
- Eliminate or limit sending mail ballots to voters who do not specifically request them
- Restrict assistance in returning a voter’s mail ballot
- Limit the number, location, or availability of mail ballot drop boxes
- Impose stricter signature requirements for mail ballots
- Impose harsher voter ID requirements
- Expand voter purges or risk faulty voter purges
- Increase barriers for voters with disabilities
- Ban snacks and water to voters waiting in line
- Eliminate Election Day registration
- Reduce polling place availability (locations or hours)
- Increase number of voters per precinct
- Limit early voting days or hours

Here is their list of laws expanding the ability to vote:

- Expand early voting opportunities
- Ease mail voting (misc.)
- Expand mail ballot drop box access/drop-off locations
- Ease voter registration
- Provide greater access to voters with disabilities
- Improve language accessibility
- Protect polling place access
- Prohibit discrimination through state voting rights act
- Ease voter ID requirement
- Restore voting rights to people with past convictions
- Ease voting for people in jail
- Expand Election Day Registration
- Improve voter list maintenance