Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Active Learning Assignment #1

What do you want to be when you grow up? 

How are you going to make it happen?

What obstacles do you think might be in your way?

I'm serious.

My plan is to use this as one of the ways you can get a tangible understanding is the impact that government has on you. In this case I want to go through the legal processes in place for engaging in your proposed career.

This might even be helpful.

What to know: 
- It is due for full credit in a week - look on Blackboard for the details
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work.
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement.
- You may write as much as you wish.


Past Assignments: 

Please click on this link.

It will take you to the part of the Texas Education Code that contains the basic rules regarding community colleges in the state. 

It's a long document, but try to make sense of it for me.

- Can you find the language that creates Alvin Community College?
- Does anything here stick out to you as particularly interesting? Explain.
- This language has an impact on you as a student - as well as a taxpayer. How? 

What to know: 
- It is due for full credit on the last day of class.
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work.
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement.
- You may write as much as you wish.


Past Assignments: 

Fall 2023

This assignment is for both GOVT 2305 and 2306

Do you know as much as a 4th grader? 

This is what 4th graders in Texas public schools are expected to know about government. 

Read it and tell me what you already know about all this stuff. If the answer is "nothing" that's ok.

The student understands how people organized governments in different ways during the early development of Texas.

The student is expected to:
(A) compare how various American Indian groups such as the Caddo and the Comanche governed themselves; and
(B) compare characteristics of the Spanish colonial government and the early Mexican governments in Texas.

The student understands important ideas in historical documents of Texas and the United States.

The student is expected to:
(A) identify the purposes and explain the importance of the Texas Declaration of Independence and the Texas Constitution;
(B) identify and explain the basic functions of the three branches of government according to the Texas Constitution; and
(C) identify the intent, meaning, and importance of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights (Celebrate Freedom Week). 

- Click here for all the elementary school Social Studies TEKS mandates.

As will all written assignments: 

- It is due for full credit on midnight the following Monday.
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work. 
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement. 
- You may write as much as you wish.


For classroom discussion: 

- Caddo.
- Comanche.
Native American tribes in Texas.
Spanish Texas.
Mexican Texas.
- Texas Declaration of Independence.
- Texas Constitution.
- The three branches of government.
- Video: Three Branches of Texas State Government.
- U.S. Declaration of Independence.
- U.S. Constitution.
- U.S. Bill of Rights.
- Texas Bill of Rights.
- Celebrate Freedom Week.