Monday, June 17, 2024

From the Pew Research Center: How Americans Navigate Politics on TikTok, X, Facebook and Instagram

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Social media platforms are often at the center of the nation’s political debates – from free speech and harassment to the fate of democracy itself. Companies’ decisions about who and what to allow on their platforms have taken on even more weight ahead of the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

Results from a Pew Research Center survey conducted in March 2024 shed new light on this environment. Americans’ experiences with politics on social media often depend on the platforms they use, from TikTok and X to Facebook and Instagram.

X stands out as a place people turn to for politics. A majority of X users (59%) say keeping up with politics or political issues is a reason they use it, compared with 36% of TikTok users and even smaller shares of Facebook or Instagram users (26% each).