Sunday, June 2, 2024

Fall 2024 - Weekly Schedule

This applies to both GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306

This will be adjusted regularly, but it'll give you an idea of what we will cover in my face to face class, and where I think you should be in my online class. 

Don't hesitate to ask questions and make suggestions.

Here's how I think things will go


- access the textbook
- review syllabus
- review Blackboard layout
- discuss first active learning assignment.
- discuss essay assignment

Week One: August 26

- Texas Declaration of Independence.
- Article 7: Texas Constitution.
- Texas Education Code.
- An Overview of the History of Public Education in Texas.

- What is Power?
- - Types of Power
- - Max Weber: Traditional, Legal-Rational, and Charismatic Authority.

- What is a Government?
- - Aristotle's Typology
- - The Iron Law of Oligarchy.

- What is Politics?
- - Values
- - Interests
- - Means to control governing institutions

Week Two: September 2

- What is a Constitution?
- - Limited Government
- - U.S. Constitution
- - Texas Constitution
- - Municipal Charters

Week Three: September 9

Week Four: September 16

Week Five: September 23

Week Six: September 30

Week Seven: October 7

Week Eight: October 14

Week Nine: October 21

Week Ten: October 28

Week Eleven: November 4

Week Twelve: November 11

Week Thirteen: November 18

Week Fourteen: November 25

Week Fifteen: December 2

Week Sixteen: December 9  

Day 1: Monday, July 15
- What is Power?
- - Types of Power
- What is a Government?
- - Aristotle's Typology
- What is Politics?
- - Values
- - Interests
- - Means to control governing institutions 
- What is a Constitution?
- - Limited Government
- - U.S. Constitution
- - Texas Constitution
- - Municipal Charters

Day 2: Tuesday, July 16
- What is Federalism
- - discuss the three levels of government
- - review the roles of each level of government
- - review areas where they overlap
- Constitutional Federalism
- - Granted / Enumerated Powers
- - Expressed Powers
- - Inherent Powers
- - Delegated Powers
- - Implied Powers
- - Concurrent Powers
- - Prohibited Powers
- The Legal Relationship Between the Nation, and the State and Local Governments
- - National Supremacy Clause
- - The 10th Amendment
- - Strict or Loose Construction
- The Legal Relationship Between the State and Local Governments
- - What is a City?
- - What is a County?
- - What is a Special District?
- - Dillon's Rule
- - Texas Constitution, Articles 9 and 11.
- - Local Government Code
- - City Ordinances
- Federalist Papers.
- Notes of the U.S. Constitutional Convention.

Day 3: Wednesday, July 17
Fiscal Federalism
- revenue 
- expenditures
- budgeting
Taxation over history
Debt over history
US Tax Code
Texas Constitution: Article 8
Texas Tax Code
Local Taxes
State and Local Debt

Day 4: Thursday, July 18
Civil Liberties
- Definition
- Limited Government
- Original Constitution
- - Habeas Corpus
- Bill of Rights
- - US
- - Texas
- Fundamental Liberties
- - Clearly Defined
- - Undefined: 9th Amendment
- - penumbras and emanations / original intent
- Due Process
- - Security in one's persons, houses, places, and effects. 
- - unreasonable search and seizures
- - indictment
- - Jury Trial
- - Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Day 5: Friday July 19
- 11th - 27th Amendments
Landmark cases
- Federalism
- Establishment Clause
- Free Exercise Clause
- - Speech: Chaplinsky
- - Search and Seizure: Terry / Riley
- - Riley

Day 6: Monday, July 22
Politics and the Political Institutions
What is Politics?
 - Preview
Groups, Interests, Passion, and Conflict
- Federalist 10.
- - Washington's Farewell Address
- Privileges and Immunities
- Voting
- Holding Office
- Jury Service
- Equal Treatment: non-citizenship.
Public Opinion
Direct and Indirect Democracy

Day 7: Tuesday, July 23
- - hierarchy
- - early America
- - justifications for property ownership
- - expansion
- - - relevant amendments
- - - relevant laws
- - - relevant agencies
- - - relevant court cases
- - contraction
- Texas Constitution
- - Pre 1836
- - 1836 - 1876
- - Article 6 (1876)
- - Amendments
- - Article 6 (2024) 
Is there a Right to Vote?

Day 8: Wednesday, July 24
- Basic Facts
- Elections Prior to the Constitution
Elections in the U.S. Constitution
- relevant amendments
- relevant laws
- relevant court cases
Election in the Texas Constitution
United States Election Code
Texas Election Code
Local Elections
Candidates and Campaigns

Day 9: Thursday, July 25
The Collective Action Problem
The Political Institutions
- Political Parties
- Interest Groups
- The Media
- Campaign Consultants
Campaigns and Campaign Funding
Political Movements 

Day 10: Friday, July 26
A Look at the Political History of the US, Texas, and the Greater Houston area

Day 11: Monday, July 29
The Governing Institutions
The Three Powers of Government
- The Legislative
- The Executive
- The Judicial
The Importance of Separating Powers
- What is Tyranny?
- The Spirit of the Laws
- Federalist  51

Day 12: Tuesday, July 30
The Legislative Power
- Components
- - Lawmaking
- - Representation
- - Power of the Purse
- - Create the Executive and Judicial Branches 
- - Checks and Balances
- Legislative Federalism
- - Congress - Article 1
- - Texas Legislature - Article 3
- - Local Legislatures
- - - City Councils

First Congress.
Judiciary Act of 1789.

Day 13: Wednesday, July 31
The Executive Power
- Chief Executive
- Powers
- - Constitutional
- - Extra Constitutional
Singular v Plural
- U.S. President - Article 2
- Texas Plural Executive - Article 4
Presidential Advising.
- Cabinet: Executive Departments.
- Executive Office of the President
- White House Staff
Powers of the Texas Governor
- Appointments
- Filling Vacancies
- Line Item Veto
Local Executive Power
- Mayors
- County Judges
- Boards

Independent agencies of the United States government.
United States federal executive departments.

Day 14: Thursday, August 1
The Executive - The Bureaucracy
- Civil Service
- Public Sector
The Civil Service
- Numbers
- Organization
- Functions

Day 15: Friday, August 2
The Judiciary
Arbitration and Adjudication
Trials and Appeals

- U.S. Constitution: Article 3 
- Texas Constitution: Article 5
- Local Courts

Judiciary Acts
- Current Design
- Current Justices
- Judicial Process
- Current cases

Criminal Justice

Day 16: Monday, August 6
Public Policy
Markets: Supply and Demand
Types of Goods
- Private
- Public
Market Failure 
- Public Goods
- Monopoly
- Information
- Externalities
Social Policy
- Morality
- Poverty
- Personal Behavior
- The Extent of Individual Liberty
Political Culture and Public Policy
- Traditionalistic
- Individualistic
- Moralistic

Day 17: Wednesday, August 7
Federalism and Public Policy
- National
- - Delegated
- State
- - Reserved
- Local
Police Powers
- Health
- Welfare
- Safety
- Morals

Day 18: Thursday, August 8
Equal Treatment
- Hierarchy: What justifies unequal treatment?
- Laws that maintain inequity
- - 
14th Amendment
- Protected Classes
- Strict Scrutiny, Heightened Scrutiny, Rational Basis Review

Day 19: Friday , August 9
Fiscal and Monetary Policy
Department of the Treasury
- Tax Policy
- - Constitutional
- Borrowing
- - Deficits
- - Debt
- Expenditures
- - Appropriations
- - Appropriations Committees
- Budgeting
- - Budget Committees
- - Deficits, Surpluses, Debt
- Graphics

Day 20: Monday, August 12
- External Defense
- Foreign Affairs
- Insurrection
- Commerce
State / Texas
- Education
- Health and Human Services
- Economic Development
- Criminal Justice and Public Safety
- Natural Resources
- Regulatory
- Alvin Code of Ordinances
- Pearland Code of Ordinances
- Houston Code of Ordinances

Day 21: August 13, Tuesday
- Commerce and Labor
- Public Health
- Public Education
