Monday, January 10, 2011

Looking Ahead

For 2301 and 2302, Here’s a preview of some of the points you will be asked about in the upcoming assessment for week one:

- sovereignty
- keeping the republic / self government
- popular sovereignty
- coercion and consent
- definitions of “government” and “politics.”
- functions of government
- ideology
- definition of conservatism, liberalism
- autocracy, oligarchy, democracy
- tyranny
- totalitarian, authoritarian, Constitutional
- components of democracy


- checks and balances
- implied/reserved/delegated powers
- federalism
- the Bill of Rights
- the 14th Amendment
- the First Amendment
- definition of “constitution,” “government,” “politics.”
- the argument in Declaration of Independence
- democracy, definition, problems
- natural rights
- political parties
- sedition
- tyranny
- autocracy, oligarchy, democracy
- ideology