Sunday, October 16, 2022

Section Eight - The Media and Public Opinion

The Mediavarious forms of communication channels and platforms that transmit information, news, entertainment, and other content to a large audience. It plays a crucial role in society by informing the public, shaping public opinion, and facilitating public discourse. The media landscape encompasses a wide range of outlets and formats, each serving different purposes and audiences.

Public Opinion: the collective attitudes, beliefs, and sentiments of the general population on various matters of interest or concern. It represents the views held by a significant portion of the public regarding political, social, economic, and cultural issues. Public opinion is important in democratic societies because it influences decision-making processes and policy outcomes.


Agents of Socialization:


Confirmation Bias: 

Social Media: 


The Media
- the media
- the press
- access to information
- marketplace of ideas
- sources
- firms
- technologies
- print 
- setting the agenda
- broadcast
- digital
- social media
- freedom of the press
- reporting
- journalists
- bias
- citizen journalism
- reporters
- news leaks
- press releases
- hiring reporters
- consumers
- affluence
- conflict
- informed consumers
- regulations
- content regulations
- print
- broadcast
- prior restraint
- ownership
- loud signal
- public watchdog
- journalism
- policy agenda
- priming
- framing
- mass media
- personal presidency
- radio
- television
- cable
- infotainment
- 24 hour news
- new media
- fake news
- bias
- - political
- - sensational
- - confirmation
- - investigative
- - fairness
- private ownership
- profits
- Watergate scandal
- public ownership
- regulations
- Federal Communications Commission
- agency capture
- fairness doctrine
- consolidation
- Telecommunications Act of 1996
- horserace journalism
- sound bite

Public Opinion
- public opinion
- preferences
- beliefs
- choices
- evaluations
- assessments
- political orientations
- polarization
- origins of opinion
- self-interest
- values
- social groups
- socialization
- political ideology
- liberal
- conservative
- identity politics
- party identification
- race
- gender
- religion
- geography
- outgroups
- political knowledge
- preference stability
- shaping public opinion
- agenda-setting 
- priming
- framing
- measurement
- public opinion polls
- selection bias
- influence
- electoral accountability
- building coalitions
- rulemaking
- legal decisions
- will of the people

Lecture Topics

- Freedom of the Press.
- Sedition.
- Information, Misinformation, Disinformation.
- Social Media.
- Media Bias Chart
freedom of the press.
the printing press.
- media technology. 
Army Signal Corp.
- radio and the modern presidency.
- sedition.
Alien and Sedition Acts.
- propaganda.
- disinformation.
- The business of the media.
media conglomerate.
- the partisan press.
media bias.
The Telecommunications Act of 1996.
- the internet.
social media as a news source.
- fragmentation.
- political socialization.
confirmation bias.
- political polarization.
access journalism.
- Public Opinion
- Free Speech / permissible limits.
- Press Press / permissible limits.
- Sedition
- LII: Sedition.
- First Amendment Encyclopedia: Seditions Libel.
Dangerous Talk: Scandalous, Seditious, and Treasonable Speech in Pre-Modern England.
- Jamestown.
The Trial of John Peter Zenger.
Philadelphia Aurora.
Benjamin Franklin Bache.
Alien and Sedition Acts.
Matthew Lyon.
Sedition Act of 1918.
- Sedition and the Development of Political Parties.
Sedition Act of 1798.