Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Fourth Assignment: Energy isn’t the whole Texas economy, but it’s a critical piece

This will put the chapters on public and fiscal policy in context.

The state of the economy determines tax revenues, which in turn determines what that state can and can't do - services etc. It  also impacts local governments.

- Click here for the article.

sales tax revenues
local and state government
property values
demand for government services
public schools
biennial revenue estimates
sales tax is largest source of revenue for state
general revenue
54.% of state's general revenue from sales taxes
oil and gas make up a significant part of state revenue
oil production taxes - 6.1% of general revenue
natural  gas production tax - 2.7% of state revenue
severance taxes - $2.86 billion
State Highway Fund
Economic Stabilization Fund
taxes on motor fuels - 1.7% of state revenue
transportation and public education
motor fuel taxes - $.20 a gallon
Glenn Hegar
West Texas Intermediate
fall  2019 forecast summary