Monday, October 24, 2022

Week Nine

Intro - The Governing Institutions


- The Governing Institutions.
- The Separated Powers.
- Checks and Balances.
- The Legislative Power.
- The Executive Power.
- The Judicial Power.


Federalist 51.
Elections and the Separated Powers
- Measuring the Concentration of Power in Political Systems.


Notes from 3/18/24

what are the governing institutions?
- describe
- purpose of each
- institutional structure
- purpose of separated powers
- problems of consolidated power
- examples
- tactics, how to consolidate power
- - Caesar
- - James 1st and Charles 1st
- - Mussolini / Hitler
- - Putin
- checks and balances
- - Fed 10 and 51
- - how design maintains separation
- contrast Texas and U.S. 
- examples in current news