Sunday, December 25, 2022

The 88th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature

A few links to help us explore what's its up to.

I'll build on this over the course of the semester.

- Texas Tribune: 2022 Primary Results.

- Texas Tribune: 2022 General Election Results.

- Texas Secretary of State: 2022 Election Results.

- LRLT: Summary of the 88th Legislature.

- Texas Tribune: Campaign finance.

- Texas Ethics Commission: Search Campaign Finance Reports.

- Texas Tribune: Texas Legislature 2023.

- LRLT: Dates of Interest for the 88th Regular Session.

- Texas Legislature Online

- Texas House of Representatives.

- House Research Organization.

- TLO: Filed House Bills.

- Texas Senate.

- Senate Research Center.

- TLO: Filed Senate Bills.

- TLO: Fiscal Size-Up.

- TLO: Legislative Statistics

- Texas Tribune: As the share of white Texans continues to shrink, the Legislature remains mostly white and male.

12/7/22 - Texas Tribune: Texas House Democratic Caucus elects Trey Martinez Fischer as its new chair.