Spring 2025
GOVT 2305
I want you to read the following articles, along with anything else you might find useful, and analyze what impact Trump has had on the Republican coalition.
How has his impact changed it?
How has it not?
What impact hasd this had on the Democratic coalition?
- Trump creates a new Republican coalition.
- Trump coalition marks a transformed Republican Party.
- Trump Won With the Most Diverse GOP Coalition Since the Civil Rights Act.
GOVT 2306
As we've discussed in class, states have the primary role in passing laws in\mpacting how elections are carried out. The national government is generally limited to voting rights, elections administration, and campaign finance.
The article below mentions the impact one member of the Texas Senate wants to have on Texas electoral law. I want you to read it and outline the changes he is proposing. Do you thing they are likely to pass?
- Texas Legislature will take up election-related measures again in 2025.
You alreadfy know this stuff:
- It is due for full credit on midnight the following Monday.
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work.
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement.
- You may write as much as you wish.
Fall 2024:
One of your fellow students asked the following:
Are there any rights that protect me if I (as a Christian) don't want to participate in selling Halloween related items at my job? Do I have the right to avoid selling or stocking specific items that conflict with my faith such as: evil eye, crystals, sage, etc. . . ? Can I be fired or disciplined for refusing to participate in certain work duties because of my religious beliefs? Can my employer require me to participate in activities that go against my religious beliefs?
How would you answer that question?
Note that this is not about your opinion on the issue. How would the courts handle this?
To add a wrinkle to this, how are the basic rules different based on the wording in the United States Bill of Rights as opposed to the Texas Bill of Rights?
Feel free to use whatever methods you can use to get to an answer, but explain how you derived it.
As always:
- It is due for full credit on midnight the following Monday.
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work.
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement.
- You may write as much as you wish.
Spring 2024:
This is for both 2305 and 2306
- Click on the following blog post:
- - Was the Founding Undemocratic? The Property Requirement for Voting.
Review what Hamilton, Adams, and Madison had to say about why property requirements for voting are beneficial. Try to figure out what they mean by the phrase "a will of one's own." Apparently people who work for a living do not have it, and this is a bad thing.
I want you to figure what the terms means, then figure out whether you have a will of your own. Are your decisions influenced by external actors and events? Or are you completely independent?
The normal requirements apply.
Fall 2023:
Both of these assignments encourage you to explore political conflict on the national and state level.
GOVT 2305
Whose interests were served - or not served - in the recent temporary solution to the "government shutdown."
What seem to have been the major areas of conflict? How much can you find our about them?
- What is a government shutdown?
- US Congress passes stopgap measure to avert government shutdown.
- Shutdown averted: Political winners and losers.
GOVT 2306
The Texas Governor has called a special session of the legislature. He wants then to pass legislation allowing for school vouchers. The issue proposal has passionate supporters and opponents.
Who are they and what is the nature of their disagreement? How are their interests impacted by the proposal? What is the proposal?
- Gov. Greg Abbott says special lawmaking session will begin on Oct. 9, likely on school vouchers.
- Texas House committee report outlines possible path forward for school vouchers.
- Here’s everything you need to know about school vouchers in Texas.
You should have this memorized by now:
- It is due for full credit on midnight the following Monday.
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work.
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement.
- You may write as much as you wish.