Sunday, January 22, 2023

Active Learning Assignment #2

For Fall 2024

Who Represents You on the State and National Level? Tell me something about them.

For state and national Office click here.

Some other options: 

- Ballotpedia: Who Represents Me?

- Texas Tribune: Who Represents Me?

- 270 Top Win: Who Represents Me?

- Read this for hints on how to search for more: Harris County Law Library:  Who Represents Me

Requirements - again.

- It is due for full credit b y the due date on Blackboard.
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work.
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement.
- You may write as much as you wish.

For Spring 2024: 

For GOVT 2306 IM2B

Read the following article: Court hears Texas city council member’s retaliatory arrest claim.

And catch up with the court case Gonzalez v. Trevino.

ScotusBlog: Gonzalez v. Trevino.
|Oyez: Gonzalez v. Trevino.

Explain the conflict within the case as best you can.

What do you think makes this interesting to the U.S. Supreme Court?

For GOVT 16 week classes

I want you to get familiar a case he United States Supreme Court will hear in about a month: Trump v. Anderson.

For info: 

- Scotusblog: Trump v. Anderson.
- Wikipedia: Trump v. Anderson.

You can look anywhere you want.

This is a case from Colorado concerning whether that state can prevent Trump from being on the ballot as a consequence of his attempts to prevent the 2020 vote from being counted in the United States Senate on January 6, 2021.

Here are the questions

For GOVT 2305: What disputes exist regarding the interpretation of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment? Click here for assistance.

For GOVT 2306: What arguments is Colorado making that the U.S. Constitution allows states to determine who can and cannot be on its ballots for national office? What parts of the document are they saying make that case?

Requirements - again.

- It is due for full credit on the last day of class.
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work.
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement.
- You may write as much as you wish.
Mini Semester Winter 2023-4

Please click on this link.

This page discusses recent changes to how community colleges - like ACC - are funded. It mentions recent legislation that has introduced new attitudes towards what determines funding. Read through it and tell me what you learn.

Fall 2023

This assignment applies to both GOVT 2305 and 2306

In it I want you to apply the information available on political culture with the questions of what governments do, and what they do not do. Let's call it: 

Political Culture and the Essential Services of Government.

Read through the material on the three types of political culture as defined by Daniel Elazar. Get comfortable with the differences between the individualistic. moralistic, and traditionalistic political cultures.

- Click here for my post on the subject.

And also read through the list of essential government services - as defined by the Department of Homeland Security. 

- Click here for the appropriate post.

I want you offer your reasoned analysis what someone who holds each of the three cultural attitudes above would is argue is and is not an essential service of government.

Got a question? Are you uncertain about this? Ask me.

Don't overthink it. But don't underthink it either. Just-right think it. And no, I have no idea what that means.