Friday, July 14, 2023

Terminology for GOVT 2306 Module 1

This is optional, but if you'd like, check it out, I listed the major terms for each of the first four chapter I like to cover and I've provided a bit more information than you get in the textbook.

- Chapter One: Lone Star Politics - Introduction.

- Chapter Two: Lone Star Politics - Constitutions.

- Chapter Eleven: Lone Star Politics - Local Government in Texas.

- Chapter Twelve: Lone Star Politics - Fiscal Policy.

These chapters (especially 2, 11, and 12) share a common them, they are all about the basic rules that underlie the activities of state and local government, which also includes an understanding of the roles state and local governments play in the federal system. I've included a look at finance here since an understanding of the flow of revenue helps us understand the flow of power and influence across the different levels and branches of government.