Saturday, December 10, 2022

Texas Legislative Priority #1 - Property Tax Relief


Agenda Setting - Why are we dealing with this?

Problem definition - What is the precise problem? Are there multiple problems presented by this issue?

Education bills introduced so far in the 88th Legislature.
Click here for them

Education bills introduced in the 87th Legislature.
Click here for them.

A perennial issue statewide - the increased population of the state has driven up property values, and with them, property taxes. These taxes are set at the local level and the state has no constitutional authority to collect them. It relies on primarily on sales taxes and federal funds. 

What the state can do however is pass laws regulating how much can be collected by local governments. It can do this because the state has significant power over the local governments. It can, and does, place a variety of limits on how much can be collected. It will continue to do so in the 88th session.

A background look at one of the priority issues for the Texas Governor and Lieutenant Governor.

At the moment these are the only two specific recommendations made by the Lieutenant Governor: 

- Raise the standard homestead exemption again, raised last year to $40,000
- Expand the business personal property tax exemption to at least $100,000

What is the standard homestead exemption? 
What he business personal property tax exemption? 

I'll add more as I find out more, but first: 

What is a property tax? 

A few sources: 

The Urban InstituteA property tax is a tax levied on "real property" (land and buildings, both residential and commercial) or personal property (business equipment, inventories, and noncommercial motor vehicles).

Taxpayers in all 50 states and the District of Columbia pay property taxes, but the tax on real property is primarily levied by local governments (cities, counties, and school districts) rather than state governments. With a few exceptions, state property taxes are typically levied on personal property.

Texas Comptrollers OfficeProperty taxes are local taxes that provide the largest source of money local governments use to pay for schools, streets, roads, police, fire protection and many other services. Texas law establishes the process followed by local officials in determining the value for property, ensuring that values are equal and uniform, setting tax rates and collecting taxes.

Texas has no state property tax. The Texas Constitution and statutory law authorizes local governments to collect the tax. The state does not set tax rates, collect taxes or settle disputes between you and your local governments.

Texas Comptrollers Office FAQs: Property taxes-also called ad valorem taxes-are locally assessed taxes. The county appraisal district appraises property located in the county, while local taxing units set tax rates and collect property taxes based on those values. Many taxing units outsource collections to a single entity in the county. Property taxes provide more tax dollars for local services in Texas than any other source-they help pay for public schools, libraries, playgrounds, city streets, county roads, police, fire protection, emergency medical service and many other services.

Texas Comptrollers Office - Property Tax Today.

Texas Comptrollers Office - Property Tax AssistanceThe Property Tax Assistance Division (PTAD) conducts and publishes a property value study (PVS) of all school districts every other year. The PVS determines the value on which Texas school districts receive state funding and is very important to maintaining an equitable school finance system.

Texas Comptrollers Office: Taxes in Texas.

Brazoria County Property Tax 2022 Seminar: Property Taxes 101.

Brazoria County Tax Assessor-Collector: Kristin R. Bulanek.


What are the current issues associated with property taxes? 

What needs reform? If anything.

- The (Long, Long) History of the Texas Property Tax.

- Changes to Improve the Property Tax System.

- Abbott Backs Eliminating Largest Component of Property Tax Bills in Texas.

Gov. Abbott Proposes the Largest Property Tax Cut Ever in Texas.

- Replace Property Tax.

- 2022 Property Tax Law Changes from the Texas 87th Legislative Session.

- Texas Tax Talk: Previewing 2023 Legislative Priorities.