Friday, August 23, 2024

Fall 2024: For GOVT 2305 - Are the Major Parties Realigning?

As you are probably aware, the United States has a two party system. Since the 1850s the two major parties have been the Democrats and the Republicans. Later in the semester we will discuss the factors that have led to - and maintain - a two party system.

Each is a coalition composed of various factions, which are groups that are driven by single issues, or a small amount of related issues. They can include labor, racial groups, business people, religious organizations, and many more. 

Scholars have noted that these factions sometimes shifts alliances. For a while one might align - for example - with the Democrats and then shift over to the Republicans. Shifts in the competitiveness of the two parties are generally the result of these shifts. When they occur significantly they can lead to a partisan realignment. 

Scholars tell us that there have been 6 such realignments over American history, they have also been on the lookout for a seventh. Indications exist that we have been witnessing such a shift since 2016. 

I want you to determine whether that is true, and whether the results of the 2024 elections are further evidence that this is happening. I'll need data to back up your argument.

Aside from reading the chapters on parties and elections early, you should get familiar with the following: 

- winner take all elections
- party coalitions
- party eras
- critical elections

That's just a start. I'll add more. 

Nuts and Bolts: 

- The 1000 word requirement is a minimum, not a maximum. You may write as much as you wish.
- Please use at least three references.
- You may use whatever format you wish.
- I don't use rubrics, so you are free to approach this as you wish, nut be professional.
- If you want an A, be excellent.