Wednesday, June 3, 2020

For 2306 - 6/3

After perusing through a few news items on the blog I'd like to review the following key terms

Chapter Two: Texas Constitution
- constitution
- popular sovereignty
- unitary system
- federal system
- enumerated powers
- implied powers
- concurrent powers
- supremacy clause
- reserved powers
- privileges and immunities
- full faith and credit
- extradition
- dual federalism
- cooperative federalism
- devolution
- matching grants
- categorical grants
- block grants

Chapter 11: Local Governments
- Dillon's Rule
- fiscal federalism
- counties
- partisan elections
- cities
- partisan elections
- incorporation
- city charter
- municipal bond
- public education
- special districts

Chapter 12: Fiscal Policy
- policy-making process
- fiscal policy
- subsidies
- revenue
- tax
- general sales taxes
- property taxes
- appraisal
- federal grants
- legislative budget board
- pay as you go
- rainy day fund

I'd also like to go over the following:

- The Texas Constitution and Statutes.
- The Alvin City Charter.