Thursday, July 25, 2024

These are the topics raised by Ken Paxton in highlighted press releases

My GOVT 2306 2IN01 students are looking into conflict between the state of Texas and the national government. I reasoned that a good place to start would be the actions the Texas Attorney General has taken recently against the national government. These have been highlighted in recent press releases. I linked to them separately.

- Click here for that.

This is a list of the subject matter, it helps identify key areas of disagreement between Texas and the United States: 

- Liqui­fied Nat­ur­al Gas Exports.

The Environment
- ​Green Ener­gy Tran­si­tion.
- Emis­sions Rule.
- Cli­mate Pol­i­cy Expansion.
- Trans­porta­tion Emis­sions Rule.
- The Role that States Play in Reg­u­lat­ing Their Own Environment.

Poverty Programs
- Guar­an­teed Income.
- Med­ic­aid.

- Pri­vate Firearms Sales.
- ATF Rule.

- For­eign Labor­er Rights than Amer­i­can Workers.
- Bor­der.
- Con­certi­na Wire Law­suit.
- Bor­der Wall Construction.
- Ille­gal Aliens.

Transgender Policies
- Trans­gen­der Poli­cies Into Schools.
- Gen­der Tran­si­tion Procedures.
- Gen­der Iden­ti­ty Accom­mo­da­tions in the Workplace.

First Amendment Rights
- Cen­sor­ship.
- Con­sti­tu­tion­al Rights of Reli­gious Institutions.
- First Amend­ment Pro­tec­tions for Reli­gious Stu­dent Orga­ni­za­tions in High­er Education.
- Pro­tect Reli­gious Orga­ni­za­tions from Inva­sive Gov­ern­ment Interference.

- States’ Sov­er­eign Immunity.