Monday, July 22, 2024

For my summer 2 students: Some more suggestions for your 1000 word essay

For GOVT 2305 2INS3 and 2INP3

1 - What is the question raised in the case? Do your best to figure it out. Think about why the Supreme Court decided to hear this case. Your textbook mentions that out of 15,000 appealed to it, they hear around 75. Why was this case selected? What's was so important about it? 

2 - You might want to look at the advocates - the lawyers - that are arguing the case before the court. Perhaps provide a little background on each. Some might have more information available, but you may want to figure out why they are arguing this side.

3 - Also consider what argument they are making. Look for the link to the oral arguments. Click on it. Listen to it. It'll take a while, but try to follow along. What arguments are made buy each side?

4 - What was the vote on the decision? Was it unanimous? 8-1? 7-2? 6-3? 5-4? Was it divided ideologically?

For GOVT 2306 - 2IN01

1 - Do some research on the background of both Ken Paxton and Joe Biden. See if you can determine the ideological orientation of each. What do they do to implement it? How might they come into conflict? How might they not?

2 - Think about the subject matter of the press release. What area of public policy is involved? Why is the national and state governments involved in it?

For GOVT 2306 - 2IN02 

1 - Become familiar with the information about about HB 2127 contained in the Texas Legislature Online.
- click here

2 - Identify the specific thing the bill intends to accomplish.

3 - Read these two analyses of each bill. Try to understand the various arguments made for and against the bill.
- click here.
- and click here.