Tuesday, September 24, 2024

US Code: Title 52 - Voting and Elections

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1 - Voting Rights

- Subtitle 1 - - Voting Rights.
- - Definition.
- - Free from interference.
- Relevant Amendments
- - 14th
- - 15th
- - 19th
- - 23rd
- - 24th
- - 26th
- Relevant Legislation: 
- - Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- - Voting Rights Act of 1965.
- Relevant Federal Agencies
- - Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division.

2 - Voting Assistance and Election Administration

- Subtitle 2 - - Voting Assistance and Election Administration.
- - Voting Accessibility
- - Voter Registration
- - Federal Election Records
- - Election Administration Improvement 
- Relevant Legislation: 
- - Help America Vote Act.
- Relevant Federal Agencies:
- - Election Assistance Commission.
- - Federal Election Commission.
- Relevant State Agencies: 
- - Texas Secretary of State, Elections Division.

3 - Federal Campaign Finance 

- Subtitle 3 - - Federal Campaign Finance.
- - Disclosure of Federal Campaign Finance Funds
- - General Provisions
- Relevant Legislation
- - Federal Election Campaign Act.
- Relevant Federal Agencies
- - Federal Election Commission.
- Relevant Supreme Court Decisions
- - Buckley v. Valeo.
See also: PACs and SuperPACs.