Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Does Texas have five Republican Parties?

Apparently so. Here's one man's list:

The Mitt Romney-Joe Straus Party: business conservatives and gray-suit types interested in economic success and winning elections.

The Rick Perry-David Dewhurst Party: Gov. Rick Perry's coalition of establishment religious and business conservatives, united primarily by faith in Perry -- or fear of him.

The Ron Paul-Debra Medina Tea Party: U.S. Rep. Ron Paul's devout cost-cutters, with subsets following everything from militias to marijuana.

The Rick Santorum-Sarah Palin Tea Party: The same grassroots religious GOP we've always had, using the name Tea Party.

The Empower Texans-Michael Quinn Sullivan Party: Midland oil millionaire Tim Dunn's self-funded effort to take over all the other parties, with some success.

I make a consistent point in our discussion a about political parties that while we are a two party system, each party has competing factions within it. This seems to a rational guess about what factions exist within the Texas Republican Party at the moment.

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