Thursday, August 28, 2008

Attention Internet Students

Here is your next assignment (assignment 2):

2301: Using your email searching skills, do the following: Get comfortable with the way that the terms "liberal" and "conservative" are used in contemporary discourse. Then look up the respective positions taken by the two principle presidential candidates on issues like the economy, social and moral issues, energy, immigration and more. What are the liberal positions on these issues and what are the conservative positions? Is there a key ideological distinction between the two candidates on these issues or do they take similar stands? On which side does the American public tend to stand? Which do you think is the winning side of the issue?

Email me 500 words on this subject by Monday September 8th.

2302: Read the three Federalist Papers assigned in your syllabus. You'll note that page on the wiki also contains the Anti-Federalist response (you are not responsible for reading them--but ought to anyway). Outline each of these and point out the way that each takes human nature into consideration in the design of the republic.

Email me 500 words on this subject by Monday September 8th.

Feel free to use the comments section below this post to ask questions. I do read them and will respond if necessary.