From the NYT:
A divided Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday approved an
authorization of force against the Syrian government, setting up a
showdown next week in the full Senate on whether President Obama should
have the authority to strike.
The 10-to-7 vote showed bipartisan support for a strike, but bipartisan opposition as well.
. . . The approved resolution would limit strikes against the Syrian
government to 60 days, with the possibility of 30 more days upon
consultation with Congress, and it would specifically block the use of
ground troops. But to retain the support of Mr. McCain, considered
crucial to the authorization’s final passage, the committee toughened
some of the language.
Jack Goldsmith compares the version of the AUMF passed by the committee with that proposed by the Obama Administration (courtesy of The Dish).
- Here is the administration's proposal.
- Here is what passed the committee