Saturday, December 3, 2022

Word of the Day: Sclerotic

From Merriam - Webster

sclerotic1 of 2

medical : of, relating to, or affected with sclerosis
- sclerotic arteries
- sclerotic bone lesions

grown rigid or unresponsive especially with age
- unable or reluctant to adapt or compromise
- a sclerotic system/bureaucracy
- the country's sclerotic economy

The upheaval in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and elsewhere is driven by popular revulsion with sclerotic, corrupt leadership. Rachel Bronson

Recent Examples on the Web


Her replacement as prime minister, the dully ineffectual John Major, has failed to repair the sclerotic economy, which has slid into recession. Sarah Lyall, New York Times, 7 Nov. 2022

Like many other sclerotic dictatorships, Iran often deploys its ruthless power over its citizens without any legal or moral justification. David Faris, The Week, 17 Nov. 2022