Monday, February 27, 2023

For Monday 2/27/23

Federalist 10.
- Factions

Interest Group Formation.
- Cohesion

The Free Rider Problem.
- Political Free Riding.
- Collective Action and Interest Group Formation.
- Incentives.

Party Systems.
Party Systems.

The Two Party System.
- Duverger's Law.

Winner Take All Elections.
- Single Member Districts.

Proportional Representation
- Proportional Representation.
- Multi-party system.
- Elections for the Knesset.

Coalition Formation.
- Factions in the Democratic Party.
- Factions in the Republican Party.

Party Eras.
- First Party System.
- Second Party System.
- Third Party System.
- Fourth Party System.
- Fifth Party System.
- Sixth Party System.

Party Polarization
- George Washington's Farewell Address.