Sunday, June 2, 2024

Summer 1 2024 - Daily Schedule

This applies to both GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306

This will be adjusted regularly, but it'll give you an idea of what we will cover in my face to face class, and where I think you should be in my online class. 

Don't hesitate to ask questions and make suggestions.

Here's how I think the first week will go

Day 1: June 3
- access the textbook
- review syllabus
- review Blackboard layout
- discuss first active learning assignment.
- discuss essay assignment
- in class discussion: Texas runoff yields no clear winner among GOP’s warring factions, setting stage for power struggle.

Day 2: June 4
- review definitions for "government" and "politics"
- Aristotle's typology
- discuss definition of "constitution"
- skim the U.S. Constitution
- discuss relevant terms.
- skim the Texas Constitution and local city ordinances.
- in class discussion: Biden expected to announce new asylum restrictions at border.
- in class discussion: Former Houston Public Works official charged in corruption case involving waterline repair contracts.

Day 3: June 5
- continue with the U.S. Constitution
- define federalism
- review the roles of each level of government
- discuss fiscal federalism
Day 4: June 6
- continue with the U.S. Constitution.
- fiscal federalism
- revenue 
- expenditures
- budgeting
- bill of rights
- fundamental liberties

Day 5: June 10
- continue with the U.S. Constitution.
- - review Article 1
- - continue
- Introduce Civil Liberties

Day 6: June 11
- Civil Liberties
- Bill of Rights
- Landmark cases
- - Chaplinsky
- - Terry
- - Riley
- The Political Institutions

Day 7: June 12
- The Political Institutions
- Amendments 11-27
- Suffrage
- Elections

Day 8: June 13
- Organizations
- - Political Parties
- - Interest Groups
- Campaigns and Campaign Funding

Day 9: June 17
- WA #2
- The Media
- Public Opinion
- Federalist 10
- Washington's Address

Day 10: June 18
- Federalist 10
- Washington's Address
- collective action
- free riders
- election dates
- critical elections
- party platforms

Day 11: June 20
- Governing Institutions

Day 12: June 24
- The Legislature

Day 13: June 25
- The Executive

Day 14: June 26
- The Judiciary

June 27 - no class

Day 15: July 1
- Public Policy

Day 16: July 2
- Public Finance

Day 17: July 3
- National

Day 18: July 
- State and Local