Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This Week's Assessments


- be able to define "civil liberties" and explain how they are secured in the Bill of Rights.
- what political circumstances led to the addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution and what were the arguments against its inclusion? What documents preceded it?
- what impact does the Supreme Court have on the civil liberties?
- what are the substantive and procedural freedoms and how are they established in the Bill of Rights? Be able to define the liberties listed in each amendment.
- what are the similarities and differences between the U.S. and Texas Bills of Rights?
- what impact has the 14th Amendment had on civil liberties in the U.S.?


- be able to explain the rational behind the basic design features of the U.S. and Texas executive branches.
- what powers does the president have? what limitations do other institutions have on the office?
- what are the duties and responsibilities established for the president in the Constitution? what powers does the president have over the bureaucracy?
- what does the constitution state about presidential elections?
- what controversies exist about the power of commander in chief? chief executive? chief of state?
- what factors make the president independent from other branches?
- what arguments did the anti-federalists make about the office of the presidency?