Sunday, March 28, 2021

GOVT 2305 - Key terms section 3

Chapter 10 - Congress

- 116th Congress
- bicameralism
- House
- Senate
- Delegate
- Trustee
- Representation
- Filibuster
- Congressional Caucus
- Reapportionment
- Congressional leadership
- Speaker of the House
- President pro tempore
- staff members
- standing committees
- bill making process
- hearings
- markup
- oversight
- unanimous consent
- filibuster
- cloture
- voice vote
- roll call vote
- veto
- partisan polarization
- divided government
Chapter 11 - The Presidency
- Expressed powers
- the take care clause
- delegated powers
- inherent powers
- executive privilege
- unitary executive
- imperial presidency
- commander in chief
- WW2 / Department of Defense
- War Powers Act
- Diplomacy
- State Department of State
- legislative power
- state of the union message
- veto / override
- signing statements
- bureaucrat
- political appointments
- civil service
- executive orders
- economic powers
- head of state / party leader
- bully pulpit
- managing the public - 24/7
- presidential approval
- presidential advising
- cabinet
- Executive Office of the President
- Office of Management and Budget
- White House Office / Chief of Staff

Chapter 12 - The Bureaucracy
- number of federal workers
- hidden workforce
- spoils system
- universalistic system
- Pendleton Civil Service Act
- the bureaucratic model
- bureaucratic pathologies
- rulemaking
- proposed rule
- final rule
- implementation
- street level bureaucrat
- civil servants
- cabinet department
- rotating bureaucracy
- independent regulatory commissions
- regulatory capture
- private contractors
- who controls the bureaucracy?
- overhead democracy
- Congress: funding, oversight, authorization
- principal agency theory
- interest groups: iron triangles
- autonomy
- whistle blowers
- freedom of information act

Chapter 13 - The Judicial Branch
- litigation
- adjudication
- civil suits
- criminal cases
- mediation
- judicial federalism
- state and local courts
- judicial selection
- district courts
- circuit courts
- specialized courts
- diversity
- judicial review
- activism and restraint
- Marbury v Madison
- judicial process - trials
- due process
- common law
- precedent
- civil law
- criminal law
- plaintiff
- defendant
- power "least dangerous branch"
- appellate process
- writ of certiorari
- oral arguments
- amicus curiae - friend of the court
- rule of four
- legitimate controversy
- standing
- moot
- majority opinion
- concurrent opinion
- dissent
- confirmation