Sunday, March 7, 2021

Key Terms - Module 2 - ACC GOVT 2306

Campaign and Elections
- voter registration
- racial disparities
- democracy
- voter qualifications
- Motor Voter Act
- Voting Rights Act of 1965
- Shelby v Holder
- suffrage
- grandfather clause
- literacy test
- poll tax
- general election
- white primary
- primary election
- equal protection clause
- voter id laws
- presidential preference primary
- closed primary
- open primary
- blanket primary
- ranked choice voting
- majority election
- runoff election
- plurality election
- instant runoff
- cross filing
- roll off
- party line voting
- early voting
- Help American Vote Act
- electronic voting
- voter turnout
- down ballot
- independent candidate
- party primary
- incumbent
- position taking
- credit claiming
- blame avoidance
- casework
- campaigns
- public financing
- private financing
- disclosure

Political Parties
- patronage
- party machines
- party competition
- safe seats
- political party
- responsible party model
- electoral competition model
- straight ticket voting
- chronic minority
- temporary party organization
- permanent party organization
- grassroots organization
- runoff primary
- precinct chair
- county chair
- convention
- county convention
- senatorial convention
- party platform
- plank
- state party chair
- executive committee
- allocation

Organized Interests
- lobbying
- organized interests
- interest group formation
- disturbance theory
- collective  goods
- free-rider problem
- solidary benefits
- expressive benefits
- selective incentives
- labor union
- professional associations
- trade association
- public interest groups
- single issue interest groups
- intergovernmental lobby
- electioneering
- Independent political expenditures
- Super PAC
- dark money
- activism
- litigation
- grassroots lobbying
- grasstops lobbying
- Astroturf lobbying
- revolving door
- pluralist perspective
- hyperpluralism