Friday, September 2, 2022

From Ballotpedia: United States House of Representatives special election in Alaska, 2022

- Click here for the article

Mary Peltola (D) won the special election to fill Alaska's At-Large Congressional District in the U.S. House on August 16, 2022. Sarah Palin (R) and Nicholas Begich III (R) also ran. Al Gross (I) advanced from the June 11 top-four primary, but he withdrew from the race on June 20.

This election used ranked-choice voting. Click here to learn more about Alaska's voting system, which voters approved via ballot measure in 2020.

Former Rep. Don Young (R) died on March 18, 2022. Young served since 1973 after winning a special election to succeed Democratic Rep. Nick Begich Sr.—Begich III's grandfather.