Monday, September 23, 2024

Fall 2024 - GOVT 2305 Week Four Recap

What we covered last week 

- Civil Liberties

- Substantive Liberties
- Procedural Liberties

- Habeas Corpus
- Bills of Attainder
- Ex Post Facto Laws

- U.S. Bill of Rights
- Texas Bill of Rights

- 14th Amendment.

- Selective Incorporation.

- Criminal Justice Policy

What we will cover week 5

Introduction to the Second Section.

The Political Institutions

- Political Ambition

Function of a Constitutional System

- Indirect Democracy

- Suffrage

- Elections

- Political Freedom

- First and 14th Amendment protections

Free Speech
Free Press
Right to Peaceful Assembly
Right to Petition for Grievances

Public Opinion
Information (Media)
Factions (Interest Groups)
Political Parties
Governmental Relations