Thursday, February 7, 2013

Arguments Texans make for secession

In response to a student's request about this week's assignment, here are some links where you can find the rationale supporting secession from the union. Remember that your task this week is to compare these to the argument made in the Texas Declaration of Independence, for extra points also looks at the argument made in the US declaration. Justifying secession required clearing a high bar. How do recent supporters of secession match up?

Here are some random links that might be of use, I can't vouch for their quality, but they should be able to give you a start.

- For a look at the argument made in 1861, click here for the Texas Ordinance of Secession.
- The original 2012 petition sent to the White House. This also contains the official response.
- The Case for the Secession of Texas.
- Texas Secession Facts.
- How Texas could mess with us.
- Here's a detailed critique of Texas v White, the case which has been taken to prevent any state from seceding from the union. The author disagrees with the claim.
- The Fantasy that is Texas Secession, this makes a forceful defense of Texas v White among other things.
- Tumblr - Texas Secession.
- Texas can't secede....

I hope this helps. Have fun with this assignment. Aside from getting used to the argument contained in the Texas Declaration, I just want to activate some brain cells.