Thursday, April 3, 2014

Is the U.S. now officially an oligarchy?

Some critics argue that we have been one all along and that any pretense that we are a viable democracy - rules by the people and all that - was an illusion. But now it may well be that there is no attempt to maintain that illusion.

That seem to be this author's point - other are making the same argument.

- Click here for the article.

When the dust from the McCutcheon demolition settles, all that’s left are base contribution limits in a larger campaign finance system where America’s oligarchs can choose between unlimited independent expenditures and unlimited aggregate contributions to buy all the political influence they will ever need. The one good thing you can say about the opinion is that maybe it will re-direct some of the money now being expended as independent expenditures to the major political parties in the form of large aggregate contributions, giving candidates and parties a chance to regain some control of the electoral agenda. In that sense, McCutcheon improves the configuration of Buckley’s airless room, but leaves American democracy trapped at “one dollar, one vote.” There is no ignoring the fact that American democracy is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Oligarchs, Inc.