Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Bracewell & Guiliani and the Revolving Door

While clicking around to find info for the story below I stumbled across lists of people that have worked - or consulted - with Bracewell & Guiliani I noticed that the Center for Responsive Politics has lists of individuals connected with the company and what various positions they have held. They call it an employment timeline.

It provides a specific look at this otherwise general concept.

They do so for all types of companies and firms. Were focusing B&G because the previous story mentioned them and because they are a powerful local firm.

Here's a list of the people in their orbit. By clicking on the link you get an idea of where their connections lie.

- Kay Bailey Hutchison.
- Edward Krenik.
- Gene E Godley.
- Jeffery Holmstead.
- Lisa Jaeger.
- Paul Maco.
- Michael Pate.
- Scott Segal.
- Eric Washburn.
- Salo Zelermyer.