Friday, August 7, 2015

From The Huffington Post: The Transformation of American Democracy to Oligarchy

Here's a topic I asked 2305 student to consider. It's been popular for the past year or so.

- Click here for it.

Here's some of his reasoning:
A Congress that is trusted by only 7 percent of the people is not a parliament of a democratic state. Some may say that the people can vote out those whom they not like.
But, the facts are,
One, a large majority of the people does not vote in the Congressional elections.
Two, even if they vote, they must pick either a Democrat or a Republican. Thus, the political structure is such that political power is divided between the two parties forever, and perhaps tens of millions of people have no representative in the political system.
Third, lobbyists and interest groups enjoy considerable influence in such elections.
Fourth, the faith of the people in a Congress that, instead of trying to address their needs and pursuing the true national interests of the United States, serves lobbyists, and interest groups, and the oligarchy, will continue to decline.
So, given the strong evidence, has U.S. democracy not been transformed to an oligarchy?