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The article compiles polling info about things most people agree with:
98 percent believe adults should watch swimmers rather than reading or talking on the phone. (American Red Cross Water Safety Poll, 2013)
99 percent think it’s wrong for employees to steal expensive equipment from their workplace. (NBC News Poll, 1995)
95 percent think it’s wrong to pay someone to do a term paper for you. (NBC News Poll, 1995)
98 percent would like to see a decline in hunger in the world. (Harris Survey, 1983)
97 percent would like to see a decline in terrorism and violence. (Harris Survey, 1983)
98% would like to see an end to high unemployment. (Harris Survey, 1982)
95 percent would like to see an end to all wars. (Harris Survey, 1981)
95 percent would like to see a decline in prejudice. (Harris Survey, 1977)
95 percent don’t believe Magic 8 Balls can predict the future. (Shell Poll, 1998)
96 percent think the Olympics are a great sports competition. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution Poll, 1996)