Wednesday, June 3, 2020

2305 - 6/3

For today

- The original constitution.
- The Bill of Rights.
The amendment 11 - 27.

Select key terms

Chapter 2: The Constitution
- federalism
- national government
- state government 
- bicameralism
- the president
- electoral  college
- separation of powers
- checks and balances
- classical republicanism
- bill of rights
- incorporate
- originalism
- pragmatism

Chapter 3: Federalism and Nationalism
- federalism
- unitary government
- diffusion
- delegated powers
- commerce clause
- necessary and  proper clause
- implied  powers
- supremacy clause
- inherent powers
- reserved powers
- concurrent powers
- full  faith and credit
- dual federalism
- cooperative federalism
- grants in aid
- new federalism
- block grants
- unfunded mandate
- devolution
- preemption

Chapter 4: Civil Liberties
- civil liberties
- civil rights
- selective  incorporation
- privacy
- penumbras and emanations
- judicial rule
- establishment clause
- free exercise clause
- strict separation
- accommodation
- clear and present danger
- symbolic expression
- hate speech
- fighting words
- limited protections
- prior restraint
- Miller test
- rights of the accused
- search and seizure
- exclusionary rule
- rights at trial
- double jeopardy
- miranda warnings
- right to counsel