Sunday, April 24, 2022

Federalism and Public Policy

Federalism and Public Policy: 

A reminder about where to look for the basic functions of each level of government.

National Powers:

Enumerated, Delegated, Implied, and Inherent Powers
- development of commerce
- internal and external security
- coordinating state activities
U.S. Constitution: Article 1, Section 8.
U.S. Constitution: Article 2, Section 2.
U.S. Constitution: Article 3, Section 2.
U.S. Code.
U.S. Executive Agencies
House Committees
Senate Committees

State Powers:

Reserved and Concurrent Powers
- police powers -  health, safety, welfare, morals
- create local governments
U.S. Constitution: Article 1, Section 4.
U.S. Constitution: Article 1, Section 10. (prohibited powers)
Texas Constitution
Texas Statutory Code
Texas Fiscal Size-Up
Texas Sunset Review Commission
Texas House Committees
Texas Senate Committees

Local Powers: 

Wards of the state - Dillon's rule
- administrate state laws
- resolve local disputes
Texas Constitution Articles 9 and 11
Texas Local Government Code
Texas Constitution Article 3, Section 56 (limits on states)
Codes of Ordinances

- Categories of Public Policy.
- Federalism and Public Policy.
- The Public Policy Process
- The Issue Attention Cycle.