Friday, April 8, 2022

Stupid Questions - GOVT 2305 SCH2

I think the most confusing thing for me is just all the laws that were set back then were kind of different . I gotta remember that some of them are different from what they are today.

Should the collective or majority of population be able to do whatever it wants to the individual? How can we make our government more diverse, more structured, and less corrupt and singled minded?

Okay here is my stupid. Who started the government and said that it should be run the way it is? Like it seems so odd that this whole government just started and someone became in change for whatever reason. So how did the government form and who was the person that lead the building of the government?

Stupid Question:

· Who invents words and how do they get them validated?

· What makes a person “free” in this world?

Most confused on:

· The most confusing part of this course for me has probably been understanding how and why our government is set up and how it functions. By this I mean, like the different divisions, leaders, governments, and terminology function together. It’s a lot of details but I know there is a system.

- The supreme Court cases and how it works. I am totally confused especially about our last written assignment #8

For a stupid question: How many times do you think you've sneezed in your lifetime?

And the most confusing thing about the subject matter is the different documents I need to keep up with. These historical documents provide context for the entire class, so there would inevitably be many documents that validate our circumstances or the past conditions of the United States government. Since all of them have to do with Government, I can sometimes confuse them with other historical documents.
I honestly dont have a question I, for the most part, understand what's happening I do wanna the taxes assignment where we file our taxes together that would be cool and useful.

Do you like my class? Did you know the earth is round? Are you sure you are actually a teacher ? honestly I don’t really find anything very confusing in your class at this moment.