Thursday, November 10, 2022

Key Terms - Week 12


WTP: Chapter 6 - Public Opinion and Political Participation
- public opinion
- political participation
- political socialization
- agents of socialization
- - parents
- - peers
- - education
- - race
- - religion
- - wealth
- - life events
- - generational effects
- party identification
- political elites
- - agenda setting
- - framing
- focusing events 
- polling
- non-attitudes
- information shortcuts
- group think
- traditional participation
- voting
- electoral activities
- voice
- civic voluntarism
- direct action
- civil disobedience
- political voice
- social capital
- political mobilization
- issue advocacy
- voter turnout
- paradox of voting
- institutional barriers
- complacency
- clicktivism
- din