Friday, March 24, 2023

Active Learning Assignment #10

The Texas Constitutional Amendments

Texas had elections on November 7, 2023. The only statewide issues were a series of proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution. 

Here are some links for more info about each.
- Texas Legislative Council.
- Legislative Reference Library of Texas.
- Ballotpedia.

For GOVT 2305:

Look at the subject of these amendments and think about the reserved powers as mentioned in the 10th Amendment, as well as the concept of federalism. Are the policy areas involved fully reserved to the states, or are they held concurrently by the state and national governments? Might these amendments alter these arrangements?

For GOVT 2306: 

Since we are talking about the executive branch, explain to me how these amendments will be in fact implemented? Will it be by a state agency? Will it be by a local government? Maybe something else? 

Pretty please: 

- Submit your answer through Blackboard.
- It is due for full credit on midnight the on the assigned date.
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work.
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement.
- You may write as much as you wish.


Spring 2023 

We've been talking about the separated powers and the fact that the system of checks and balances is designed to keep them separate. I've introduced a few thoughts and posted a few stories about what different people have done to concentrate political power within their nations: Mussolini's Fascist Party is one example. 

Some suggest that we are naïve to think that this can't happen here. 

If it was to happen, how would it? 

If you are in GOVT 2305, answer for the national government.

If you are in GOVT 2306, answer for the state of Texas.

Tell me what steps it would it take to take either government over. 

As always: 

Pretty please: 

- Submit your answer through Blackboard.
- It is due for full credit on midnight the on the assigned date.
- It will be subject to a penalty if turned in late.
- Is can be turned in for partial credit until the end of the semester.
- The grade is commensurate to the quality of the work.
- There is a 150 word minimum requirement.
- You may write as much as you wish.