Sunday, June 2, 2024

Summer 1 2024: 1000 word essay

Here is your subject for the essay: 

- For GOVT 2305: Is the United States government democratic or oligarchic?

As much as we are told that we have a democratic system, there is also a feeling among many that the real decisions are made by powerful people and imposed on the rest of society. If that is true then that suggests that we are instead an oligarchy. I want you to do some research and figure which it is. Also justify your answer. Maybe we are something entirely different. Explain.


- Democracy
- - Direct. 
- - Indirect.

- Oligarchy
- Aristocracy.
- Plutocracy.
- Theocracy.
- Meritocracy.
- Kakistocracy. 

- For GOVT 2306: Compare the platforms of the Texas Democratic and Republican Parties. Where are they similar and where are they different? 

Every two years the major parties in Texas meet to put together the issues they intend to promote. Individually, these are called planks, and together they form the party's platform. These provide an indication to voters about what each party intends to do if elected to office. 

The Texas Republican Party recently met and produced its latest version. The Texas Democrats will do so June 6-8. I want to read both and see where they agree and where they disagree. Let's use this as a way to understand what issues each prioritizes and what we might see introduced when the Texas Legislature meets next year. 

- Click here for the 2024 Texas Republican Party Platform.
- Click here for the 2024 Texas Democratic Party Platform

In addition, do your own research. 

We will discuss these in class.

Nuts and Bolts:

- The 1000 word requirement is a minimum, not a maximum. You may write as much as you wish.
- Please use at least three references.
- You may use whatever format you wish. 
- I don't use rubrics, so you are free to approach this as you wish, nut be professional.
- If you want an A, be excellent.