Tuesday, December 18, 2007
3 Week Mini
Note that we will be reading selections from Plutarch's Lives. These will be assigned the first day of class.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
TBA Finals
Write at least 500 words for each, but feel free to write more.
Final 2301 TBA
I want you to try to tie in all of what you have read this semester by analyzing the current state of the presidential race in terms of the concepts and topics covered in each section. Please note that this will require you to do a little of reading from newspapers, magazine, or online.
You may want to think of the following:
-What constitutional issues are at play?
-Are civil liberties or civil rights central to the campaign?
-What do we know about the primary election schedule?
-Will it have an impact on the eventual winner of either party’s nominee?
-What are we learning about both parties given who is running and how competitive each is?
-What are the polls telling us about each candidate and what the public thinks about them?
-Have any interest groups lined up behind any of the candidates?
-What media strategies are they using and how is the media treating each of them?
Those are just my ideas. Add whatever questions you think appropriate. You will be evaluated by the length, depth and comprehension of your work, as well as your ability to answer the question in terms of each of the topics covered in this semester's readings.
500 word minimum.
Final 2302 TBA
I want you to try to tie in all of what you have read this semester by analyzing how the national and state institutions are likely to be affected by the upcoming elections in 2008. What shifts might occur not just in who occupies each institution, but how will the behavior we note in each be affected? What might change? What might stay the same?
You will be evaluated by the length, depth and comprehension of your work.
500 word minimum.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
A Meritocratic Corporacy
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Volunteer / Extra Credit Opportunity
Give him a call at 281-996-8017
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
On Government and Marriage
Was this expansion unwarranted?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Anti Dynastic Amendment
Is this really necessary? And is he just trying to keep Hillary out of the White House?
Layoffs at the Chron
Will this affect the quality of the information Houstonians receive about local affairs, or can the blogs make up the difference? It's worth noting that the only real info about the cuts can be found in blogs, so maybe that makes the point.
The Alternative Minimum Tax
But increases in income due to inflation, and the fact that the tax is not indexed to inflation make the law applicable to middle income individuals. Democrats are hesitant to extend relief unless the lost revenue is matched by increased taxes on the wealthy, which of course the Bush Administration opposes. No one wants to talk about this apparently.
Review for 2302 Test 4
public policy
the public policy process
constitutional issues
economic policy making
the prerequisites for a market economy
law and order
market failure
public goods
anti trust policy
the problem of incomplete information
eminent domain
contracting power
monetary policy
Federal Reserve System
discount rate
reserve requirement
open market operations
federal funds rate
fiscal policy
progressive taxes
regressive taxes
income distribution
budget deficits and surpluses
discretionary spending
mandatory spending
social policy
equality of opportunity
education policies
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
GI Bill of Rights
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
social welfare
Great Depression
Social Security Act
Fair Labor Standards Act
Earned Income Tax Credit
contributory programs
noncontributory programs
measn testing
food stamps
in-kind benefits
arguments for and against the welfare state
foreign policy
Washington's address
the role of the President
the bureaucracy
Congress' role
executive agreement
military deterence
Bush Doctrine
treaty making
roles nations play
Napoleonic role
holy alliance role
balance of power role
economic expansion role
Review for 2301 Test Four
freedom of speech
public opinion
political ideology
common fundamental values
equality of opportunity
individual freedom
political socialization
agents of socialization
the family
social groups
gender gap
political conditions
political knowledge
how government shapes public opinion
how private groups shape public opinion
public opinion polling
probability sampling
selectivity bias
1936 Literary Digest Poll
margin of error
push polling
illusion of saliency
bandwagon effect
interest groups
freedom of association
NAACP v Alabama
decentralization of government
economic interests
business organizations
professional organizations
public interest
The Christian Coalition
political entrepreneur
the upper class bias
the prisoner’s dilemma
the free rider problem
selective benefits
grassroot organizations
1995 Lobbying Disclosure Act
using the courts (test cases)
amicus curiae
going public
political action committees
Texas Ethics Commission
issue advocacy groups
the media
broadcast media
print media
online media
changes in technology
regulations of broadcast media
Telecommunications Act of 1996
equal time rule
right of rebuttal
fairness doctrine
freedom of the press
prior restraint
Pentagon Papers
Near v. Minnesota
ownership of media
homogenization of the news
nationalization of the news
selection bias
names of major newspapers
political influence on news
sound bites
media consumers
encouraging conflict
media impact on politics
agenda setting
media impact on elections
adversarial journalism
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Growing Gap in Wealth and Income
Here's a telling passage: ". . . the wealth of the Wal-Mart founders' family that year [2005] was estimated at about the same ($90 billion) as that of the bottom 40 percent of the US population: 120 million people."
Push Polling Edwards and Romney
Now comes word that the technique continues to be used against Mitt Romney and John Edwards. Since they are not polls, but are in fact advocacy calls, some states mandate that this be made clear at the start of the call, but this is often not done.
Private Property and Socialism
Fitting since we will soon be covering economic policymaking in 2302. Among the first decisions a society makes is the extant of individual ownership and control of property. Haggling continues of course (witness our current debate over health care policy).
Can the FBI do Counterterrorism?
For prosecutors and detectives, success is measured by arrests, convictions and sentences. That is fine when the object is merely to keep the crime rate within tolerable limits. But the object of counterterrorism is prevention. Terrorist attacks are too calamitous for the punishment of the terrorists who survive the attack to be an adequate substitute for prevention.
Detecting terrorist plots in advance so that they can be thwarted is the business of intelligence agencies.TCC
Sunday, November 18, 2007
ADHD: Real or Made Up?
A fascinating neurological study published this week by the US National Institute of Mental Health holds out promise of resolving many controversies. The study looked at the way the right brain cortex, which helps control attention and planning, thickens during childhood. Scientists compared brain scans of hundreds of children diagnosed with ADHD with scans from a non-ADHD group. They found that, for non-ADHD children, the cortices reached maximum thickness at about 7½ years. For the ADHD group, that stage came three years later. But it did arrive eventually, and by puberty, most of the hyperactive kids had normal-looking brains.
The study also suggests that measures of student's ability to pay attention in the classroom are less important than basic math and English skills in determining future academic success.
So what's the big deal?
In 2302 we will soon be discussing the pros and cons of privatization--a topic we hit in 2301 when we covered federalism. Is this an unforeseen negative consequence since the profit motive causes the private sector to convince individuals of the need to purchase their products, be they iPods, cars, detergent or drugs?
Yes it can be argued that the private sector creates incentives for more people to get involved in finding cures for existing diseases, which makes it more likely that cures will be found, but doesn't it also make it more likely that the companies will try to convince more or us that we have physical conditions that we didn't know we had in order to expand demand for their products?
How about restless leg syndrome? Whats with that?
Is this the root of the increased costs of medical care?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
The Trade Off
Grits reminds us that the number of reporters who cover sessions of the Texas Legislature has declined drastically over the past few decades. Since newspapers are still the principle source of information that the public has about the activities of government, how capable are we of monitoring their activities. Some would argue that the web more than makes up for the deficiency since coverage is more open ended. Anyone can do this now, but does that mean that it will be done well, by professionals that are paid to do it?
This is still unresolved in my opinion.
The Political Impact of the Internet
The first points out an upcoming article in Parade Magazine--the Sunday supplement--designed to introduce the older generation (even older than me) to the political impact of the the web. I'm not sure they are as out of touch as the article claims. Retirees have lots of time on their hands to figure out new ways to stay in touch with the grand kids. They have to be aware of the political uses of the web, but the article points out the impact of generations on political attitudes, which is a subject we will be broaching soon.
A handful of others show how the web makes official oppression more difficult to sustain, be it Chinese corruption, blogging under martial law, or providing opportunities for anonymous dissenters to challenge the system.
There's a good reason why repressive regimes try to limit access to the Internet.
The Southern Stragegy
A New Republic article places this controversy in historical context. Both parties spent time trying to lure southern racists. Democrats did so with Jim Crow in the late 19th Century, but gave it up when they nominated Al Smith in 1928. The article suggests that Republicans have yet to fully reject this group and points to Bush's 2000 primary race in South Carolina as an example.
It's a good overview of racial politics.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Barry Bonds Indicted
The charges are federal and come from California's Northern District.
Grand Juries
Here's the ubiquitous wikipedia site. Aside from interesting history, it points out that only half the states still use grand juries, opting instead for preliminary hearings or some other judge controlled process for determining who should go to trial. In the abanet page it links to the grand jury is shown to be controlled by the prosecutor, making it likely to indict the ham sandwich demanded of the DA.
It would be intersting to see if the states that still use grand juries are more likely to be tough "law and order" states that give short shrift to the rights of criminal defendants.
Here's a link to the Harris County District Courts' grand jury page. Note that on the bottom it has an application for anyone that would like to serve on a grand jury. Are certain communities opening themselves up to an increased likelyhood of indictments if they do not seek to be members of grand juries?
Good opportunity for community service.
A few other web tidbits:
- the criminal process.
- help with a grand jury.
- the grand jury in drug cases.
This is probably the most important thing you will learn in this class. Good luck out there.
Lawyers Hit the Streets
A blog post at the New Republic asks the same question, but provides an answer. To be a lawyer is to work within the confines of the rule of law. When the rule of law is undermined, so is the legal profession.
Seldom has history witnessed hordes of lawyers taking to the streets. The author suggests that Musharaff has only himself to blame since he has had such a light touch as a dictator. He has allowed the legal system to operate, which allows the lawyers to communicate, organize, and act on their interests. I can imagine that the military dictators in Myanmar are shaking their heads at his incompetence.
A comment on the blog suspects that the protests are less about the actual fact of what Musharaff has done than the fact that shutting down the courts has taken away their business. The lawyers are simply attempting to ensure that they have jobs. The rule of law is good for business. The business sector would agree.
The Mukasey Nomination
The dominant issue was torture, whether we allow it, whether water-boarding is in fact torture and if that meant that we in fact tortured suspects--contrary to custom. Mukasey fudged, which upset activists and led at least one left leaning group in the Democratic Party to call for the removal of Democrats who supported him.
For me, the more interesting part of this dispute was clarifying Congress' role in clarifying torture and making explicitly clear what can and cannot be allowed. That has never been done before, all that had been required was for the president to abide by the Geneva Conventions, but that is apparently not enough anymore. Moves are now underway to make that clear, we'll see if that passes. Here's the legal background. If you've been following the news you know that his nomination barely passed due to this controversy.
The less dominant, though ultimately more important issue had to do with the role of the attorney general, and the justice department overall, in overseeing the executive branch.
Mukasey's background as a judge gave him credibility as a potentially independent force, especially in comparison with his predecessor's background as a presidential adviser. Gonzales' apparent willingness to allow the justice department to be a tool for partisan purposes was his downfall, and is Mukasey's task.
You can link to Senate testimony here and here.
The ranks of the Justice Department are apparently dangerously thin. He'll be there for little more than a year. He has much to do.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Volunteer Opportunity: Dean Hrbacek, 22nd Congressional District
The contact person is Drew Larson.
Tests Postponed
Friday, November 9, 2007
Money Follows Power
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Veto Overridden
Is this an indication that Bush's lame duck days are beginning?
What a Liberal Decision Looks Like
One distinction has to do with civil rights. Since liberalism is grounded primarily in the principle of equity, they tend to want to expand civil rights protections. Civil rights of course is based in the United States on the abstract concept of equal treatment before the law--without any hint about what categories might be used to justify unequal treatment and whether public safety and health and the rest might be adversely affected. We discussed proposals to require the elderly to take driving tests probably not violating equal protection because advanced age can impair driving ability.
As a current example in the news, here is a liberal proposal from the U.S. House of Representatives: The Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
Note the conservative argument against it: ". . . Mark Souder, R-Ind., argued that, because of the bill, "religious rights will now be trumped by sexual rights." Calling the bill a disaster for religious bookstores, which could be required to hire gay workers, he said the measure invited litigation and set "precedents that we will regret."
I highlighted what I think is the key part of their argument. The freedom of owners of religious bookstores to hire who they want, based on their traditional understanding proper sexual behavior. This hits both individual economic freedom and traditional values. Both are central to conservatism. It also touches on increased use of the courts--litigation--as a means of redress, which is another sore spot for conservatives.
On Constitutional War Powers
He supports an resolution introduced to replace the ineffective Way Powers Resolution--the Constitutional War Powers Resolution--and challenges the extent of inherent powers claimed by the current president and echoed by Giuliani.
He also reminds of the inconsistency of each party in Congress on this issue. Democrats did not complain when Clinton committed troops to Bosnia, and Republicans seem to have forgotten that they used to oppose expansive government.
143 Years Ago Today
It was on this day in 1864 that Abraham Lincoln was elected to his second term as president of the United States, one of the few elections in world history to be held in the middle of a civil war. Lincoln might have tried to cancel or postpone the election until the war was over, but he said, "If the rebellion could force us to forego, or postpone a national election, it might fairly claim to have already conquered and ruined us."
The Confederate Army had recently gotten so close to Washington, D.C., that Lincoln himself was able to watch a battle, standing on top of a parapet with field glasses. On July 30, 4,000 Union soldiers were killed in a disastrous attempt to invade Petersburg, Virginia. The army needed 500,000 more soldiers, Lincoln would probably have to call for another draft, and the war debt was becoming unsustainable. On August 23, Lincoln wrote a memo to his cabinet that said, "This morning, and for some days past, it seems exceedingly probable that this Administration will not be re-elected."
The Democratic Party was running on a platform of ending the war. But this turned out to be a huge mistake when news arrived in early September that the Union Army had captured Atlanta and Mobile. Suddenly, the Democratic Party looked like the party of surrender when Union forces were winning the war. Lincoln carried every state except New Jersey, Delaware, and Kentucky.
This could have been Lincoln's most important decision, not to try to suspend the Constitution by delaying the election. He could have done it. History would have been on his side, but posterity would not. This story does not mention that Lincoln was running on a ticket--the National Unity ticket--with a member of the other party. Andrew Johnson was a Democratic.Imagine that being done today. His reputation is deserved.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Should Students be paid to Perform Well?
Attention TBA's
Ron Paul Rakes It In
Here's one explanation of what's underway.
Dork Alert
This is what happens when guys can't get dates.
Should someone in the Texas Legislature go ahead and introduce an amendment to the Texas Constitution in 2009 in order to nip this in the bud?
Where's Dan Patrick?
Drink Up!
Here are local results from the chron.
Statewide results from the Texas Secretary of State.
Turnout statewide was 10% and 12% in Brazoria County.
Not bad.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
So You're Being Investigated By Congress . . .
It outlines part of the industry that exists in Washington DC to serve the needs of people who have business before a governing institution--in this case Congress. At least those who can afford it.
The story points out three types:" lawyers, lobbyists and press advisers."
Here are names pulled from the article:
Lawyers: Kenneth Starr, Fred Fielding, Beth Nolan, Stephen Ryan.
Lobbyists: Paul Behrends.
Public Relations: Anne Tyrrell, Mark Corallo, Burson-Marsteller PR firm.
It'll warm everyone's hearts to learn that both Republicans and Democrats are working for the firm.
Considering the back and forth we went through on the subject of the Electoral College and whether it made you feel remote from the democratic process--or violated basic principles of democracy--how about this? If you happened to be in the position Blackwater is in, would you have the resources to learn how to properly defend yourself? What does this mean for political equality?
In a way this is reminiscent of a story your American government textbook covers in the section on interest groups. Microsoft was of the opinion for years that it needed to do nothing to
work with government. After being on the losing end of significant legislation they changed their tune and hired a lobbyist.
The Pakistan "Coup"
Historically, there is nothing unique in what he has done and his justification of it.
What did he do?
1-He suspended the Constitution.
2-Arrested the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, then installed a successor.
3-Arrested a leading lawyer for the opposition.
4-He has delayed an election.
5-Arrested over 500 opposition leaders and journalists.
He used recent suicide bombings as one of his reasons justifying what he has done. It isn't unreasonable to wonder, from our perspective here in the US if we really want t full blown democracy in a country where fundamentalist Islamics have high levels of support and the country possesses a small handful of nuclear weapons. But is it beyond possibility that these bombings were orchestrated by Musharaff? There is precedence for this sort of thing.
There's nothing like a crisis to allow for a consolidation of power.
Before we get judgmental, can it happen here? Is there a scenario which you think could lead to a similar situation here?
How about this: Hillary Clinton seems to have been elected president over Giuliani, but just like in 2000 the results in one state are so close that a recount may be required. Then during the process another 9/11 type event occurs and the Bush administration declares a national emergency and claims that a shift in the presidency at that moment to Clinton would put the country in peril. They use military power to stay in the White House indefinitely and engineer a decision in the Supreme Court giving the election to Giuliani.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Override in the Works?
It concerns his recent veto of a $23 billion water construction bill that include spending projects considered important to many Republicans in Congress.
Two items covered in 2302--the legislature--help explain this: the distributive tendency and constituency service. This may also be an indication that the President's lame duck status, which has been at bay recently, may finally be catching up to him.
Agency Capture and the CPSC
This may be the latest example.
The current and previous chairs of the When we covered the bureaucracy we discussed the concept of agency capture, the tendency of a bureaucratic agency to become captured by the industry it is meant to regulate.
The current and previous chairs of the Consumer Products Safety Commission are reported to have taken over two dozen trips to places like Hong Kong, San Francisco, and Hilton Head as the guests of the industries that make children's toys and furniture, their lobbyists and lawyers.
Suspicions have risen that this has influenced their conduct in office since the commission has refused to pass mandatory regulations on these industries, been lax on enforcement, and is opposed to legislation increasing their ability to test children's products.
The bill in question is H.R. 4040, the Consumer Product Safety Modernization Act of 2007, which is being considered in the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Despite calls for her resignation, the current chair says she will not step down.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Nowak Evidence Suppresed
Orange County Circuit Judge Marc L. Lubet said investigators took advantage of the 44-year-old, who had not slept for more than 24 hours before the alleged February airport attack of a purported romantic rival for a fellow astronaut's affections.
Lubet said Orlando police Detective Chris Becton answered evasively when Nowak asked about an attorney, and hadn't read her Miranda rights before he started questioning. "Detective Becton failed to answer defendant's question regarding whether she needed an attorney in a truthful and straightforward manner," Lubet wrote.
"There was a concerted effort to minimize and downplay the significance of the Miranda rights by referring to these constitutional rights as mere 'formalities."'
Lubet said Becton wrongly made "direct and implied promises of benefit," vowing to talk to prosecutors on her behalf if she cooperated. "He made threats and used coercive psychological techniques," Lubet wrote, of Becton's more than six-hour jailhouse interview.
Here is the order from the judge suppressing the evidence. We'll touch on this in my 2302's next week.
In case you forgot, Nowak was the astronaut that drove from Houston to Orlando non-stop in a diaper to confront a woman she thought was competing for the affections of a man she thought might be interested in her. Except it turns out that she wasn't wearing a diaper after all.
On Prayer in Pearland
The U.S. Constitution's establishment clause has been interpreted to mean that a group prayer by the members of a governmental unit demonstrates a bias towards one particular religion--which can fall under the definition of establishment. Which could mean that group prayer before a meeting could be illegal.
Rather than an official prayer--or designation that a prayer be given--each member was to be given an opportunity on a rotating basis to give introductory remarks. These could include a moment of silence, inspirational remarks, non-proselytizing prayer, or what ever suits the speaker's fancy. This is a way that the decision about the content of the statement was up to the individual not the governing unit. The Supreme Court has not seen it this way in the past (notably in the Supreme Court case involving Santa Fe High School) so even this process may be illegal.
According to the story, at least one attendee at the meeting feels that that is the case and that is all it take to initiate a court case. Supporters of prayers in these cases may welcome such a case though because recent changes in the Supreme Court may mean that they will be more willing to decided in favor of prayers before public meetings.
Liquor Sales and the Smoking Ban
The proponents are affiliated with the Pearland Area Chamber of Commerce who see an opportunity to increase sales tax revenues, revenues now collected by neighboring cities where local residents have to drive to purchase wine, or have a drink with their meal. A group called BRACE, the Brazoria Residents to Advance Community Economics, states that a dozen Texas cities that have seen significant increases in sales tax revenues after legalizing sales. The story suggests that areas leaders are concerned about the development on the west side of 288 which is providing additional shopping and dining options for their residents.
A small group called Circle the Wagons! led by community leader Larry Townsend oppose the proposal arguing that it will underline efforts of AA members to stay sober.
Certainly the most touching item on the ballot in Pearland (for non-smokers anyway) is the proposed smoking ban which is on the ballot because of the efforts of area sixth grade students. They went door to door to collect the necessary 500 signatures. Smoking bans raise interesting personal liberty issues because of the existence second hand smoke. As opposed to over eating, which only affects that eater, smoking has effects on people nearby, so it has an impact on the liberty of others.
I Lied
But it is a very unique situation.
We need to spend time next week figuring out what is going on here. There's a lot to it. Does this make anyone uncomfortable? Should an individual be allowed to control that much water? Do we want to allow property rights to include a resource this vital?
Election Day 2007
For information about what is on the statewide ballot click this link to the Texas Secretary of State page on elections.
The statewide vote will be dominated by the 16 constitutional amendments passed by the legislature last spring. This is a type of direct election--at least the most direct it gets statewide. The voters have a direct hand on determining which of these amendments live or die. The Chron tries to clarify them here. The most noteworthy amendment is the one that authorizes the ale of up to $3 billion dollars for cancer research, but no hot button issues like tort reform or same-sex marriage.
Locally, Brazoria County residents will decide a variety of issues--depending on where one lives--including local options to allow the sale of wine in grocery stores across the county, and the sale of mixed beverages in restaurants in the extra territorial jurisdiction of Pearland.
Houston will hold elections for Mayor, city council and a handful of other positions--see the voting guide in the Chron here. A bond proposal by the Houston Independent School District has turned out to be suprisingly controversial.
More to come.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Bush and the Supreme Court
Bush Sets US Supreme Court Legacy.
Supreme Imbalance.
Court cases
1-Until the Supreme Court rules whether death by lethal injections are cruel and unusual, all executions in the United States are on hold--maybe until next summer. The case is Baze v. Rees. Click here for the docket.
2-Is the $2.5 billion verdict against Exxon-Mobil because of the oil spill resulting from Exxon Valdez accident excessive? Here is the docket for Exxon Shipping Co. v. Grant Baker. And some commentary from scotusblog.
3-Does the president have the power to detain indefinitely a legal resident it deems an enemy combatant, or does the defendant have the constitutional right to challenge the detention? The fourth circuit court decision.
4-Is the PROTECT Act a constitutionally valid way to combat child pornography or an overly broad law that allows the prosecution of people who simply talk about it? Did police cross the line when they arrested a man for saying he possessed child pornography when he actually did not. Here is the docket for United States v. Williams.
That's enough for now.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Joking aside conspiracy theories provide a useful service for people who believe in them. It helps them make sense of the world around them. One begins with a belief about how the world works and processes information to confirm that belief. That the results can be nutty is besides the point.
After all, just because you aren't paranoid doesn't men that people aren't really out to get you.
GIS and elections
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Awful Truth
George Leef: Higher education has been oversold
No one benefits from the overload
09:24 AM CDT on Sunday, October 28, 2007
In one of his New York Times columns earlier this year, David Brooks lamented that "despite all the incentives, 30 percent of kids drop out of high school, and the college graduation rate has been flat for a generation." Mr. Brooks, like many spokesmen for the higher-education establishment, worries that the United States is falling behind in the international race for brainpower.
That is why we keep hearing politicians talk about the need to stimulate a higher rate of college attendance and completion. We're in a global "knowledge economy," and whereas America used to be tops in the percentage of workers with college degrees, we have now fallen behind a number of other nations. At a big education conference I attended back in February, former North Carolina governor Jim Hunt called this situation "scary."
Sorry, scaremongers, but there is nothing to worry about. If anything, America now puts too many students into college, and we certainly don't need any new subsidies to get more there.
First, it isn't true that the economy is undergoing some dramatic shift to "knowledge work" that can only be performed by people who have college educations. When we hear that more and more jobs "require" a college degree, that isn't because most of them are so technically demanding that an intelligent high school graduate couldn't learn to do the work. Rather, it means more employers are using educational credentials as a screening mechanism. As James Engell and Anthony Dangerfield write in their book Saving Higher Education in the Age of Money, "The United States has become the most rigidly credentialized society in the world. A B.A. is required for jobs that by no stretch of imagination need two years of full-time training, let alone four."
Second, the needless pressure to get educational credentials draws a large number of academically weak and intellectually disengaged students into college. All they want is the piece of paper that gets them past the screening. Most schools have quietly lowered their academic standards so that such students will stay happy and remain enrolled.
Third, due to the overselling of higher education, we find substantial numbers of college graduates taking "high school" jobs like retail sales. It's not that there is anything wrong with well-educated clerks or truck drivers, but to a great extent college is no longer about providing a solid, rounded education. The courses that once were the pillars of the curriculum, such as history, literature, philosophy and fine arts, have been watered down and are usually optional. Sadly, college education is now generally sold as a stepping stone to good employment rather than as an intellectually broadening experience. Sometimes it manages to do both, but often it does neither.
Fourth, it's a mistake to assume that the traditional college setting is the best or only way for people to learn the things they need to know in order to become successful workers. On-the-job training, self-directed studies and courses taken with a particular end in mind (in such fields as accounting) usually lead to much more educational gain than do courses taken just because they fill degree requirements.
"But wait," I hear readers saying, "isn't it true that people with college degrees earn far more than people with only high school diplomas?" That is true, on average – an average composed to a large degree of very bright and ambitious people who would be successful with or without a college degree, and also of people who earned their degrees decades ago when the curriculum and academic standards were more rigorous.
It simply doesn't follow that every person we might lure into college today is going to enjoy a great boost in lifetime earnings just because he manages to stick it out through enough courses to graduate.
A perennial trope among politicians is that more education will make everyone better off. Having a more efficient educational system – one that taught the three R's well in eight years rather than poorly in 16 – would indeed be a benefit. Simply putting a higher percentage of our young people into college, however, makes just as much sense as spreading more fertilizer on a field that's already been overfertilized.
George Leef is the director of the John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy and a blogger at National Review Online (www.nationalreview.com), where a version of this piece originally appeared.
The World's Smallest Political Quiz
1-Write down your ideological position. Do you consider yourself to be liberal, conservative, moderate or what?
2-Take this quiz.
3-See whether it tells you that your self-identified position matches your opinions on various issues.
We're you correct? If not why not?
The quiz asks for you opinions on economic and social issues and determines whether you tilt to the left or right, or libertarian or statist--or centrist.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I Love the Electoral College
More on that later, but I find it interesting that the nature of the electoral college is being cited by some of you as a reason why you don't care about politics and don't see the point in voting. Nothing unique there. Arguments against the electoral college are regular staples of election commentary. New arguments are tough to find, though certainly the election of 2000 was a wake up call for those who thought it unlikely that the popular vote winner would ever lose the electoral vote again.
Over time I've become a big fan of separated powers, which includes fully distinct elections, and I think it would be beneficial to revert to the system originally envisioned by the country's founders, including a return to state legislative selection for the Senate.
I went over this in class briefly, and will spend more time Monday on it, but the genius of our institutional arrangements begins with the complete autonomy of each, including a completely distinct selection process for each institution. Each ultimately can be traced back to a decision by the general population, which makes it democratic, but the course of each varies, which makes tyranny of the majority difficult to establish. I may be wrong, give me an argument if so, but the introduction of a barrier between popular opinion and the public policy does not make a process undemocratic. It simply alters the nature of the democratic process.
I'd have no problem with a system where candidates run for the electoral college, are elected by us based on the type of president they might seek, and are given full discretion regarding who they give the four year presidential term to. We have a direct popular vote for members of the House, who could control the president by oversight, legislation, and the threat of impeachment. So that's how you have direct democratic control over the president.
I'm not sure how a president (a chief executive remember) could truly, democratically represent the interests of a country of 3 million square miles and 300 million people. There are too many interests and passions in a country that large for one person to represent. That's what the 435 member House of Representatives is for, they are more capable of doing it well. This means that the president would be reduced to an actual executive rather than a leader/savior/knight on a white horse. An electoral college, whose only function is to make this selection then step down from power may well be able to select from various, perhaps unlikely, candidates who would be less likely to fall in love with the power of the office.
Is it possible that we have become skeptical of democracy in the United States because we have grown accustomed to looking to the wrong office for evidence of democracy? That's what the House is for.
Perhaps this is naive, but the current system guarantees that only the excessively ambitious apply. It seems to me that when people complain about something being undemocratic it doesn't necessarly mean that the will of the people is not being heard by elected officials, but that there personal preferences are not carrying the day. It's not undemocratic simply because you lose. In addition, democracy tends to be a rarified mythical concept that is half illusion, like "peace, love and happiness," and "the Texans win." It's one thing to think about what a hypothetical democracy might look like, it another to actually create one.
Just a few thoughts to keep the pot stirred.
By the way, why should the electoral college cause people to not vote for other offices?
Keep the comments coming.
Blog Action Day
As best as I can tell, it was an effort to use the blogosphere to raise awareness of a common issue, in this case the environment, by having multiple blogs post on the topic. Over 20,000 did, though I don't know how one determines whether this was successful. There are over 100 million blogs apparently--many dead. 20,000 ain't much in comparison, and who knows whether policy makers will take this type of things seriously.
But it's another example of how people are trying to figure out the best way to use this new medium.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Political Efficacy
The other day in class Mr. Jefferies stated, "You all don't vote do you?" Considering the circumstances, I understand why we don't vote. Our knowledge of historical and current government issues comes primarily from the Internet. Which we all know can contain sources which are not reputable. There are no personal links to government for the everyday citizen. Government is complicated, and it is made complicated so only rich egocentric will take part. I'll tell you the truth, I don't vote because how much difference am I really going to make. For example, if the majority of society votes for a presidential candidate, and he wins the popular vote. Shouldn't he be president? The government thinks otherwise. They appoint the Electoral College to make decisions for us. Why do we need the Electoral College? Money is the navigator of government, and guess what, I don't have much and neither does a large percentage of Americans. The middle class, of Americans, pay the largest percentage of taxes, but aren't being represented. People investing in special interest groups have become the focal point of government interest. I'm tired of being just a percentage of the popular vote. Give us back our true representative democracy. Then I'll vote.
There's alot to this comment, but at root it sounds like a "consent" problem, and he speaks for many others--perhaps many of you. Clearly he feels detached (alienated) from the process, the actions of government feel remote, and he feels that people in power do not care about people like him. Government is not legitimate (which violates the intent of democracy) so why consent to the laws unless forced to? The wide open internet compounds the problem because in addition to not trusting elected leaders to represent your interests you can't trust the validity of the information you receive. Jordan, feel free to correct me if I'm getting something wrong.
Political scientists have developed two terms to describe this process: internal political efficacy (the belief that one can understand and influence policy) and external political efficacy (the belief that the government will respond to one's demands). Clearly Jordan lacks the latter, but the reason that you are required to take these classes is to increase the former which could increase your ability to ensure that government will respond to your demands, or gain a greater understanding of why it might not. Remember that the American political system is designed to make it difficult to pass laws and alter public policy.
Jan responds by stating: Jordan, to dispute your decision for voting, you need to vote, because each vote from a U.S. citizen makes a difference, whether it be you, me, or the john doe waiting in line behind you. But you are right, most young adults get their information from the internet, which sometimes, may not be a valid source, but nonetheless, it should not stop a person from voting at all, its simple, people vote for the candidate that fits the NEED that the voter wants.
Underlying Jan's comment, it seems to me, is the idea that the very act of voting begins a process that creates good citizens. But this doesn't satisfy Jordan: Jan, you say that every vote as a US citizen makes a difference. How? If you, John Doe, 60% of US Citizens and I all vote for the same candidate. That doesn't mean that candidate is going to win. And even if he does win, am I really being represented?
So let's unpack all this. Maybe we can begin by discussing the factual points Jordan makes.
- Does the internet make people more remote from politics? (Surprisingly this study suggests that it might)
- Is government made complicated in order to restrict participation by non-elites?
- Does the fact that a popular vote winner for the presidency might lose the electoral vote alienate people from politics?
- Do the middle class really feel alienated from the political system?
- What is a "true representative democracy" anyway and how would we know one if we had one? What is our proof that we don't have one now? Is it enough to say that "I" am not getting what I want or do we have to look at society as a whole?
There's more, but these are all hypothesis that can be tested. Reliable polls exist that make data available for interested parties. (see the American National Election Study).
Finally, is this attitude a cop out? Should one wait for "true representative democracy" to be established before one decides to vote or does the act of voting necessarily precede the establishment of a "true representative democracy?"
This is good stuff. I feel better about the classes now, slightly better anyway. I want to know what the rest of you think? Do you feel the same way as Jordan?
You Don't Really Care Do You?
Remember that this is after we reviewed the test Monday--the one you took last Wednesday--and after I gave you the answers to the test.
2301-01: 65.8
2302-01: 78.8
2301-03: 82.2
Please tell me, do you care? Is this important to you? There's just so much I can do to help. After a while it comes down to your desire.
In the future I will not curve test results. I will review the tests after we take them and you will have a week to take it again in the learning lab on your own, and I'll average the two grades with a 60-40 split, and give you the averaged grade.
The Media and the Jena 6
Not being there, I am in no position to judge, but it is worth noting that many stories that prove to be, if not untrue--distorted, are biased in a manner that allows us to confirm prejudices or pre-held beliefs. We have a sense of how the world works and we use that to process information. Studies suggest that the act of processing information can alter it significantly. We remember things that did not happen, or ignore things that did, because it does not fit our picture of how the world works. The criminal justice process has has to take this into consideration when attempting to determine the validity of eyewitness testimony. Did a witness actually see what they believed they saw?
Louisiana has a pretty bad track record in civil rights matters, so it is easy to believe the worst when stories of this nature arise. Stereotypes seem hardwired into our brains.
We discuss this further in 2301 when we talk about public opinion.
The Amazing American Electorate
On the face of it, this could seriously hurt the party in the near term by tearing apart the coalition that has emerged in recent decades. Evangelicals haven't always voted Republican. Democratic support for pro-choice and gay rights position caused them to shift allegiance, where once the religious championed the Democrats position on civil rights. Things change.
This should be a terrific example of how shifts in positions cause shifts in party coalitions, except the Althouse looks at the polling data and finds out that a sizable percentage of those who would break from the party actually support Giuliani. So we have a contradiction. Some Republicans don't like the party flirting with candidates who take moderate to liberal positions on issues, unless its Giuliani.
They like the man, not his policies.
She thinks it's due to political ignorance, but I think it's due to the fact that Republican respondents to the poll are responding to an abstract consideration when they are asked about issues, and think of the totality of the man, including contradictions, when they think of Giuliani. When thinking of the man, the positions on social issues has to be weighed with his leadership qualities, which Republicans tend to like.
It tells me that candidate characteristics trump issues for Republican at this moment.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Review for 2301 Test 3
dilemma: tyranny of the majority
indirect elections
direct elections
winner take all elections
proportional representation
super majority
cumulative voting
single members districts
multiple members districts
house elections
-direct representation
-3/5ths compromise
-Baker v Carr
-incumbency advantage
senate elections
-original design
-17th Amendment
-undemocratic nature
presidential election
-electoral college
-undemocratic nature
-15th Amendment
-jim crow
-white primary
-Smith v. Albright
voting turnout
-explaining gradual decrease
the irrationality of voting
the voting decision
-partisan loyalty
-candidate characteristics
the median voter theorem
standing for office
running for office
funding elections
constitutional questions
Buckley v. Valeo
issue advocacy
public funding
soft money
hard money
political action committees
527 organizations
parties in the early republic
parties in Congress
parties and the separated powers
responsible parties
unified government
divided government
function of parties
recruitment of candidates
propose policies
the two party system
the six party eras in US
party history in Texas
The Democratic Party
The Republican Party
King Caucus
primary elections
-open primary
-closed primary
rise of candidates
modern campaigning
precinct conventions
county convention
district convention
state convention
Third Parties
Rise of Independents
Monday, October 22, 2007
Review for 2302 Test Three
U.S. Constitution, Article 3
checks and balances
judicial review
evolution of the court
cases and controversies
criminal law
grand jury
jury system
petit jury
voir dire
jury nullification
civil law
public law
administrative law
constitutional law
common law
statutory law
stare decisis
trial court
municipal courts
court of record
justice of the peace
small claims court
county trial courts
state trial courts
probate courts
appellate courts
drug courts
jails and prisons
supreme court
court of appeals
court of criminal appeals
due process
writ of habeas corpus
the appointment of judges
the election of judges
senatorial courtesy
name of federal supreme court justices
interpretation of law
role of courts
Dred Scott
How and why cases get to the supreme court
writ of certiorari
solicitor general
per curiam
amicus curiae
law clerks
rule of four
oral argument
services for the poor
pro bono
contingency fees
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Some Scenes From Seattle
A dated sign, outside the first Starbucks by the way, stating that street performers needed a permit to perform.

And here is one of the performers. She was playing a difficult classical passages when I walked by, and had a cute dog. I gave her a couple of bucks and asked her permission before I took the shot.

And here is Joe Swaja's campaign sign for his run for Seattle's city council. Could make it down here. No flag, no red, white and blue, and what's with the image of the globe? Who's this guy representing anyway?

Topical Topics
Last week's Time Magazine's cover story was on, what they call, the incredibly shrinking court. The Supreme Court has narrowed its focus to the degree where its decisions only have an impact on a very small percentage of the public. No more Browns, Mirandas and Griswolds for this group. On the bright side--according to Clarence Thomas--they all get along. We are about to look at the judiciary in 2302, so this is appropriate.
This week's Time tells us something others have said before: whoever wins the Libertarian vote will win the presidency. They tend to side with Democrats on civil liberties and Republicans on economic regulation. Whichever issue is more prominent next November will determine the winner. This will fit with our discussion of the nature of party coalitions in 2301.
The Miami Herald has another story on a topic that has been thoroughly covered before, but needs constant updating: the influence of campaign cash on presidential campaigns.
The need to raise money to run campaigns raises a constitutional issue: the expenditure of money to successfully run for public office has been equated with free speech, which is a civil liberty, but the unequal distribution of funding means that some sides of issues are more likely to be addressed publicly than others, which could violate basic principles of democratic fairness and undermine the legitimacy of the government.
More to come.
I will try to have all the papers and TBA work graded by Wednesday.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Test Results
GOVT 2301-01: 47
GOVT 2301-03: 57
GOVT 2302-01: 57.8
GOVT 2302-03: 69.2
I'll have the TBA's graded later this weekend.
Have a nice weekend.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
It Begins
Social Security has always been an intergenerational transfer of wealth that has only paid for itself as long as more people paid into the system than drew out of it. By 2017, that may no longer be the case--according to projections anyway. One culprit is medical science and the healthier lifestyles that allow retirees to live longer than they did when the program was established.
The retirement age has not been pushed back to compensate for this so people can draw from the program as many year as they paid into it.
It's worth noting that the applicant is retiring early.
SCHIP veto
The New York Times tells us:
In some ways, the outcome of today’s vote was not surprising; experts say it is extremely difficult for Congress to override a presidential veto. President Clinton exercised 37 regular vetoes during his eight years in office; two were overridden. Mr. Bush’s father exercised his veto pen 29 times, with one override. What would have been surprising, scholars say, would have been for Democrats to prevail.
And adds a note we've discussed before:
And in the end, the veto may not do Mr. Bush much good, especially if the bill he ultimately signs into law is not much different than the one he rejected. “It was an ambiguous victory,” said John J. Pitney, a political science professor at Claremont McKenna College in California, “because Democrats may have lost on the legislation, but they won themselves a campaign issue.”
Perhaps Democrats won.
Monday, October 15, 2007
In Seattle
I'll still check my emails though.
Wednesday class tests will be given in the Learning Lab at regular class times.
Election Day Workers Needed
281-648-7711 ext. 14
It pays $8 an hour. If you have class that day, I'll let you off. In fact, I'll give anyone who does this 5 extra points on test 3, But you;ll have to give me a report on what you did that day.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
On Anonymous' Question About the Review Topics for 2302 Test 2
i've looked in the book and online and i can't really find anything helpful on a few terms.
i know we went over them in class breifly but some you skipped over, i think to try and fit in everything. if you could help me with a few of these i would appreciate it.
independent agencies
revenue agencies
internal security agencies
external sercurity agencies
what do we need to know aobut them i mean some i can figure out but is there something specific you want us to know?
I know I try to keep it casual, but you should not start emails to people with some level of authority (even as little as mine) with "hey." I also let a few misspellings on my own slip so I don't want to be a hypocrite, but let's make an effort OK? "I" is capitalized by the way.
As far as the terms the student cannot find, I can either say where they are--and be patronizing about it, or remind you that you are adult college students and ought to be able to follow simple instructions. I'll do the former.
All five terms can be readily found in Chapter 7 of the American Government textbook, the one that covers the bureaucracy.
administration: page 278, five lines down, four words to the right. Look for the word "administration."
independent agencies: Page 282, under the section "How is the Executive Branch Organized?" Look on the third line under the title and you will notice "(2) independent agencies." You should be able to take it from there.
revenue agencies: Page 285, near the bottom of the page you will see in blue ink (which makes this tricky I know) you will note the term "Revenue Agencies." Begin reading from that point.
internal security agencies: Page 286, after the section described above. You will note the term (again in blue ink) "Agencies for Internal Security." Read from there.
external sercurity agencies: Page 286, after the above section, you will notice also in blue ink "Agencies for External National Security." I know that the terminology is different, so I apologize of that throws a few of you off. Again pick up your reading from that spot.
The last part of the question is legitimate. What do you need to know about them? Please be able to define them and understand them in relationship to other aspects of government. You already know what my tests look like so imagine what type of multiple choice questions you might get about them.
Sorry if this is a bit low-brow for some of you, but please understand that this class is not pitched at a high level. All the information necessary for you to do well is easily available to you.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A New Constitutional Convention?
Here is Larry Sabato's contribution to the literature: A More Perfect Constitution: 23 Proposals to Revitalize Our Constitution and Make America a Fairer Country:
He outlines his argument in this LA Times article. He suggests that war powers have tilted too far in favor of the executive, the Senate is too unrepresentative of the population to still be legitimate, the presidential selection process is biased in favor of unrepresentative states, and that its time to allow foreign born citizens the right to run for president. He also points out that the founders would probably be surprised that the document has survived more or less intact this long (though the reinterpretation has been significant).
A web site has launched which outlines his suggestion.
Sabato is a serious, thoughtful person, but I don't know how serious his suggestion is. Considering the controversies that surround relatively light weight issues like SCHIP (my apologies to those who depend on the program) I can't imagine how difficult it would be to manage a convention. There is always that chance that unforeseen, small mistakes could have huge consequences. But it's a useful exercise to consider what we would revise if we could.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A Couple of Class Questions
The first has to do with police violations of civil liberties on the street that though they do not lead to prosecutions (because they are proven to violate rights--for example, probable cause was not established) still impose costs on the accused because they take time and money to address. Sure you are not sent to prison, but you may be destitute as a result of the process. Do you have recourse? My hunch is that you do not--but that's just a hunch. The problem is that the police may still act with discretion and impose punishments on people (by arresting, questioning, accusing and prosecuting them) that can be just as significant as a prison term. So what use is the Bill of Rights if it does not in fact minimize police actions on the ground?
I can't answer that at the moment. This becomes a political issue. To what degree can the general population control police behavior?
The second question concerned John Adams and his rationale for defending the soldiers after the Boston Massacre. We usually argue that it had to do with his animosity towards the passionate mob and his support for the merchants and their access to British markets. But Adams would later join the "radicals" and support revolution, so his thought process had to be more complex. He was a prodigious writer, so certainly a paper trail of his thought process exists somewhere. I can't speak to its nuances.
I'll see what I can find out.