Saturday, June 2, 2007

Most Important Issues

According to the most recent Gallup Poll, these are the top responses they received from a representative sample of the American population when asked: "In your view, what one or two issues should be the top priorities for the president and Congress to deal with at this time?"

69%--Situation in Iraq/War
24%--Immigration/Illegal aliens
17%--Fuel/Oil prices/Lack of energy sources/The energy crisis
16%--Poor healthcare/hospitals; high cost of healthcare
10%--Economy in general
4%--Education/Poor education/Access to education
3%--National security
3%--Federal budget deficit/Federal debt
3%--Social Security
1%--Lack of money
1%--International issues/problems
1%--Foreign aid/Focus overseas
1%--War/Conflict in the Middle East

The answers are open ended, meaning that they weren't given a list to choose from. Respondents picked whatever happened to be on their minds when they were asked. Gallup points out that though both Republicans and Democrats cite Iraq as being important, Republicans are twice as likely to mention immigration and Democrats twice as likely to say healthcare.