Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Gallup: In U.S., Voter Registration Lags Among Hispanics and Asians

This confirms some points we made in 2305 earlier today about ethnic disparity in registration and voting.

U.S. Hispanics and Asians are much less likely to be registered to vote than whites or blacks. Whereas more than eight in 10 blacks and whites are registered, and therefore able to vote in elections, 60% of Asians and barely half of Hispanics are currently able to participate in the electoral process.

Self-Reported Voter Registration by Racial and Ethnic Subgroup, July-September 2013

The relevance of greater Hispanic and Asian participation in the political process is clear. Both Hispanics and Asians have decidedly Democratic political leanings. Notably, Hispanics and Asians who are registered to vote are even more Democratic than those who are not registered.

Party Affiliation Among Hispanics and Asians, by Voter Registration Status, July-September 2013