Tuesday, February 25, 2025

About Ad Fontes - to the source - Media

Since I use their media bias chart, it's useful to dig into their methodology. How do they determine if something is on the left or right? And how to they determine the quality of the a media source.

- For a full look at it, click here.  

These are the issues used to decide ideology: 

Question: which position is left and which position is right?

- Abortion-related policy
- Race-related policy
- Campaign finance
- Climate-related policy
- Criminal justice reform
- Defense/military budget
- Subsidized food and housing
- Gun-related policy
- Higher education policy
- Immigration
- International affairs
- K-12 education policy
- LGBTQ-related policies
- Marijuana policy
- Private/public health care funding
- Regulation of corporations
- Social security
- Tax-related policies

For each of the issues above, we request that each analyst identify their perspective as:

“Decidedly to the left”
“Moderately to the left”
“Centrist or undecided”
“Moderately to the right”
“Decidedly to the right”