Here's what's on tap for the next two weeks.
GOVT 2301
Readings: AG: Chapter 2 and 3; PTP: Chapter 2 and 3
Goals and Objectives. If you do your readings and pay attention in class, by the end of next week you will know:
-The nature of the amendments, both those in the Bill of Rights and the remainder
-The purpose and consequences of the 10th Amendment
-The basic design of the Texas Constitution
-The nature of the reserved powers: police, taxing, proprietary and eminent domain
-The specialized functions of each level of government
-The factors leading to the gradual increase of the national government
-Contemporary areas of conflict between the state and national governments
-The role of the Supreme Court in defining the division between national and state powers.
GOVT 2302
Readings: AG: Chapter 6; PTP: Chapter 8
Goals and Objectives. If you do your readings and pay attention in class, by the end of next week you will know:
-The concerns regarding the design of the presidency and the Texas governor
-The constitutional role of the president
-The expressed, delegated and inherent powers of the president
-The ability of the president to check, and be checked by, the other two institutions
-The factors leading to an increase in presidential power, notably the New Deal and the Great Society
-The institutions that provide the president power
-The nature of the president’s control over the bureaucracy
-Limits on the governor’s power
-Factors enabling the governor to exercise power