Wednesday, February 14, 2007


A week after top Republicans were ready to concede defeat to Hillary, some now argue that Rudy Giuliani is the man to beat.

The obvious question--and we need to discuss this in 2301 at the least--is whether he can win the primary. He is pro-choice and pro-gay rights. Some factions in the Republican coalition are strongly opposed to both. John McCain is trying to reposition himself on those issues so he can sell himself to the social conservatives, but Guiliani doesn't seem to be trying.

Is this a winning strategy?

Will they respect him for his honesty if not his policy positions?

Regardless, this poll is very disheartening for someone likes me who would like to see an open shootout among candidates in each party. Rudy and Hillary each have 40% support from identifiers in their respective parties.

Let's hope this thing isn't over before it starts.