Sunday, January 27, 2008

The State of the Harris County GOP

This Houston Chronicle story featuring Harris County Judge Ed Emmett has him concerned that party's recent successful run might be at an end partly because they are getting lazy:

. . . Republicans in Harris County simply got too accustomed to winning.

Emmett said that when he moved to West University Place in 2003 after 14 years in Washington, D.C., he saw Republicans winning elections but also noticed "that they have gotten lazy, and I don't mean the candidates, I mean mainly the (campaign) consultants."

"I saw campaign brochures that, basically, you just put clip-art on, you put an 'R' after your name and you expect you are going to win. Well, those days are gone," he added.

In addition Republicans have to deal with a larger number of Hispanic voters who are likely to vote for Democrats and recent ethical problems involving the Harris County District Attorney.