Thursday, July 31, 2008

ACC out of Pearland?

Outgoing Texas Rep Mike O'Day wants ACC to yield to SanJac and allow them to offer community college classes in the city. Beneath the conflict lies a reluctance of Pearland to vote itself into the taxing district of any community college system. And beneath that lies ongoing conflict between the two towns.

After being frustrated by attempts to increase the number of courses for college credit at a Pearland campus, a Texas legislator asked the Alvin Community College board of regents to give up its stake in the city.

State Rep. Mike O’Day,R-Pearland, told regents during a meeting Thursday night he would like to see the San Jacinto College District take over Pearland ISD’s “service area” to provide community college needs.Alvin Community College board members said though classes and enrollment have dropped at the Pearland location, they have crafted a new plan to bring Pearland ISD students back.

After O’Day spoke Thursday night to the regents, they did agree to appoint two board members and one administration official in the future to talk with O’Day and the newly created Northern Brazoria County Education Alliance to find a solution.

Stay tuned.