Monday, May 9, 2011

From TNR: Is Donald Trump a Demagogue?

The author thinks he's more of a wannabe.

Is Donald Trump A Demagogue? The New Republic

Great bit from the author. What is a true demagogue:

. . .  a true demagogue meets four tests. First, he presents himself as a man of the people, rather than the elites. Second, he strikes a very strong, even overpowering emotional connection with the people. Third, he uses this connection for his own political benefit. Fourth, he threatens or breaks established rules of governance.
He also adds this great quote from Madison. contained in the bit below:

Demagogues are part of the natural life cycle of democracy. So much so that the Founding Fathers designed our various checks and balances and circuit-breakers in part from their mortal terror that a predatory mass leader—a demagogue—would convert popular adulation into American tyranny. James Madison, for instance, explained that “provisions against the measures of an interested majority,”such as an independent judiciary, were required to control “the followers of different Demagogues.” This doesn’t mean, however, that demagogues haven’t popped up throughout the country’s history.
The constitutional design takes into consideration the ways that demagogues try to derail democracies for their own purposes.